I loved this book. It reminded me of The Nix, 1 epic story with so many side stories about all the characters you come across all woven together. Really well written, definitely recommend.
I loved this book. It reminded me of The Nix, 1 epic story with so many side stories about all the characters you come across all woven together. Really well written, definitely recommend.
What a trip! I love how Christie made this horrifying book whimsical and amusing. People are dropping left and right but damn it‘s a fun read. And it‘s always fun reading a book written several decades ago...some things have changed 😉
The characters in this book were all rather unlikeable, but then again I suppose that‘s life. Not my favorite story but not a bad one either.
Not quite as thriller-y as I was hoping for, but still a really good story about perceptions made as young adults and how we carry them with us through our lives.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. The author did a great job portraying Jamey and Elise and how fundamentally different they were, this was no fairytale. It was gut wrenching, though, and had me feeling all the feels.
I loved this story, it was so much more than a mystery. It was a closer look into a group of friends who fiercely share the same passion and the unique relationships they share with each other. I couldn‘t put it down!
I loved Joan‘s story so much. It made me think a lot about motherhood and the parts of ourselves that we give away to everyone around us. When do we decide that we need to live for ourselves? A question that I think every woman must ask herself at some point...
Ahh what a delightful read. I fell in love with Lillian and her view of the city and adored the author‘s writing. So beautiful and heartwarming and oh so real.
Another great Armand Gamache story with seances and the victim being scared to death. I love it! And the cats love to cuddle when I‘m trying to read 😻
Lula, zombies, Grandma, swingers. Morelli, Ranger AND Diesel. What‘s not to love??
I liked in this book the journey each of the characters went on. They were all at a crossroads in life which is completely relatable, but they all made choices they thought would be the best for them in the end. I like to think things work themselves out, not necessarily like a fairytale, but more from deciding what‘s most important in life.
There are some mixed reviews on this one but overall I enjoyed it. I can totally relate to that weird transition period between college and the real world, when you‘re constantly struggling to figure out what the hell you‘re supposed to do next. We all just hope we‘re doing the right thing and wing it.
I love Stephanie Plum. Another enjoyable adventure that had me laughing at loud.
Another wonderful book by Louise Penny. I love Three Pines, can I just move there already?
I was a bit let down by the ending, but The Fever certainly had me reading until the end to find out what was going on with the girls.
I loved this book, Three Pines is an idyllic, yet dangerous, place to live and the people who live there are so full of character. It was one of those mysteries that you think about at work and can‘t wait to get home and read. I have a feeling I‘m going to love this series.
I kinda dragged through this book but it really came together in the end. It goes to show how simple misunderstandings shape our future and the relationships we have later on.
I adore Philippa Gregory and The Last Tudor certainly didn‘t disappoint. At times it felt like I was reading a soap opera but it‘s all based on true events which is so insane to think about. I would recommend all her Tudor novels.
This was a cute story. Being young and willing to work all day everyday won‘t necessarily get you anywhere, you have to also manage to be a decent person. Work isn‘t everything!
OMG!!! This #letshyggeswap box from @ABrakes85 is amazing!!! Wow, I am so excited about all of this, thank you Amy!! 😍
This was a good start to my bday :)
I adore Philippa Gregory and always have. Another wonderful book from her about important figures in history of whom very little is recorded. Because, of course, they're women. 🙄 Gregory always hits it out of the park, entwining fact and her interpretation of the characters to make great stories. This is about Henry VIII's sisters and his first wife. I recommend all of Gregory's Tudor stories!
Ok @ABrakes85 it's not the prettiest but it's packed up and shipped out! I completely forgot a card 🙄 but I think you know who it's from 😊 #letshyggeswap
This book has quickly become one of my new favorites of all time. I adore Cyril's story, I wish it went on for another 500 pages. It has everything you could ask for in a book, thank you #botm for choosing this masterpiece.
😲😱😵 Woah!! I had so many guesses as to what was going on in this book but then you read the last few chapters and realize you knew nothing! So good, devoured this book, it was insanity!
So good. Not what I was expecting, I thought it would be more gory throughout but it was suspenseful for sure! I kept going back and forth, what the hell actually happened at Pine Cottage?? Excellent writing too, loved it!
Took me way too long to finish this book, it's more deserving of being devoured. Complex characters that are so well detailed you feel like you know them. And that ending that I didn't see coming by a long shot. Really well written, I would definitely recommend.
My current read. Really well written, I feel like the characters are real people. Happy birthday @Liberty !! #birthdayspace
Happy birthday @Liberty !!! Years ago my sister borrowed this book from me (one of my all time faves, I might add) and returned it to me beaten up and falling apart. I just about cried over it. She felt so badly she gave me a brand new one for my birthday that year. So I finally forgave her :) #liberthday
http://m.zimbio.com/quiz/wK1eBDbbA8J/Game+Thrones+House Well...I wasn't expecting that one...😂
This book. My god. I don't think I'll be able to get it out of my head for a long time. Best book of 2017, possibly one of my favorites ever. So much more than a gossipy Hollywood story. I can't remember the last time I sobbed so much (maybe don't read while experiencing PMS 😉). There's so much to say, but to sum up, it never does to desire someone else's life. You have no idea what their life is and what they have gone through. MUST READ.
Ok, so maybe not a summery read. But, when I was younger and still in school my sister and I would tear through the HP series as soon as summer break began. Over and over, every summer since they've been published. Therefore, Harry Potter will always remind me of those sweet summers. 😎 #sweetsummerstack Thanks Liberty!
I was having serious FOMO on this book. No longer 😍
Interesting premise with a decent back story. Not my fav but it had some good characters.
What an epic tale. I loved it, the details and the complex characters and the run on sentences that lasted entire chapters. So so good, definitely recommend!
What an ending to such a good book. I love the way it was written. The protagonist is definitely not a completely good guy, but you can't help fiercely rooting for him throughout the book. Makes you want to get lost in the wilderness and take it all in.
Super adorable read. A bit predictable but still enjoyable. Definitely makes me appreciate the ability to go anywhere I want without the fear of deadly allergens lurking everywhere.
Immortality doesn't interest me but the memory of touch is one of my favorites.
Loved this book! The biggest lesson I learned is that having children ruins your life. Just kidding, kind of 😉 In all seriousness, this story exhibited how much of an impact we have on the lives of the people around us. And how much pressure we put on our children, regardless of our best intentions.
I loved this book. I really enjoyed the multiple points of view, I think it gave the book that small town vibe. Everyone's lives were entangled in each other's, and yet each character had secrets that ultimately destroyed relationships and lives. Not quite as thrilling as The Girl on the Train, but I still loved it.
I haven't read a book that's made me cry in a while. Such a good read. I loved the points of view from 3 completely different women from completely different places who all had some part in WWII and who's lives were all interconnected. I would highly recommend, especially as it is based on real people and real events. We must read these stories so that we do not let them be repeated.
This was an interesting read. A bit difficult to follow at times, but I enjoyed the love story.
This book got me feeling all those bad feelings: terror, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness. And then the scariest part was when I stopped feeling those feelings. And started to become acclimated to the story. That is, until Offred was propositioned by her gynecologist (which Offred took as an act of kindness) did I snap out of it and say, oh hell no, this is not OK. All in all, there are some scary parallels to society right now. A must read.
I have a problem...I can never choose just one 😮
Can't wait to start my latest Read Dog Book! Such a treat every month :)
This book was the weirdest but it was a quick read and I really enjoyed it. The narrator is a fetus, and a highly educated one at that. There were definitely some wtf moments but McEwan writes so beautifully that you just don't care.
I can't say I've read many books that tell the story in reverse, but I like it! I like gathering clues as you go along and knowing what happens in the future but still not knowing the whole story. It made me want to keep reading to figure out what really happened.