Just starting this one on the recommendation of my 17 year old daughter. Anyone read it? Thoughts?
Just starting this one on the recommendation of my 17 year old daughter. Anyone read it? Thoughts?
Digging into this one this weekend.
Reading this one for my Memoirs in the Morning book club. Anyone read it? Thoughts?
I love Elly Griffiths. This is the third in her Magic Men series and it's just as entertaining as the first two. Her murder mysteries are fun, twisty, and often humorous. This one isn't out in the US yet, but I couldn't wait for it, so ordered it through Book Depository online.
Today's view. Read the first in the series for my Get A Clue! mystery book club, and decided to go on to the second. Perfect Sunday read!
Wow. This book. I'm not one to mark up a book with dog ears or notes, but this is filled with so much greatness, I couldn't help myself. Each chapter is associated with a book and Schwalbe then relates it to an aspect of his life, or life in general. I loved it, and this won't be the last time I read it.
Finally starting this one! Anything to distract me from recent events, right? I hope it's as good as I anticipate it being!
On page 238 of 298 pages. Can't stop now, so it's going to be a later bedtime than usual so I can get this one finished.
Love Flavia! Looking forward to digging into this one.
September's books. Just started Don't You Cry. Anyone read it yet?
Only halfway through this one and already know I love it. A society woman in 1907 Los Angeles longs to investigate and solve murders. A woman of her time was not allowed to work in such a grisly field, of course, so she begins her secret life to do the thing she loves most.
I got to meet this guy today! His Hugo Marston series is one of my favorites.
Enjoying a day to listen to the Packers win and catch up on my reading of The Forgotten Girls. Even Butch is enjoying the cuddle time!
Wow. Such a great book! I pretty much read it straight through, hoping the entire time that the ending wouldn't disappoint me. It did not! I wasn't quite sure where this book was going in the first few pages, but when it got going, it didn't stop. Loved it.
Picked this one up at the library after a patron recommended it. Enjoying it so far, but avoiding reading it at night before bed!
Reading this one again and remembering why I love Pryor's Hugo Marston character so much!
Great mystery! Witty, suspenseful, and downright hilarious. It's a Midwest Connections pick and deservedly so.
I have so many emotions about this book. I finished it in a day, totally ignoring real life to be immersed in this memoir. The author has an amazing, brutally honest voice that left me grieving with him, and hopeful for him by the end. A beautiful story of deep love and the aftermath of losing it.
Just started this one. Pretty emotional so far. He has a beautiful writing style and I feel like I'm riding along with him and his family as they navigate a cancer diagnosis and the subsequent treatment.
My librarian friend talked me into starting this series. Never started watching the show, so I'm looking forward to making my way through these. Maybe I'll start in on True Blood after reading a few.
I'm not even finished with this and I love it enough to recommend it already. I'm about 3/4 of the way through and this book has me hooked! #mystery #ghoststories
Really enjoyed this one. Got an advance copy from the bookstore, and finished it in two long reading sessions. A great whodunnit for mystery lovers!
Current status: Curled up with Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll. Over half way through and hoping to finish it today!