My first audiobook of the year, Chocky by John Wyndham. Brilliantly narrated, and a really excellent story.
I can tell that Neil Gaiman has strived for every perfect word on these pages. Love the postscript which explained that the narrative was inspired by the art, which itself was inspired by an opera by Englebert Humperdinck (no, not THAT Englebert Humperdinck, it transpires that there's two of them - who knew?!). Just exquisite.
This was recommended to me by my son, who had it read to him in class - his first book recommendation to me! How could I not read it?! Thankfully it was an excellent story, about a badly behaved boy who gradually learns to believe in himself. Thought provoking and sweet.
Didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the last two, but Lying Cat's one line in this book did make me laugh out loud.
Loving this more and more. Slave Girl Sophie is so beautifully drawn. The story is gripping too.
Probably even better than volume 1 as I'm getting the hang of the story now.
Unlike anything I have ever read before. Crazy weird storyline but beautiful artwork. And omg I love Lying Cat.
You can't beat a good apocalypse, and in this one a spore infects humans, causing spontaneous combustion, unless you can learn to control it using the Bright.
Great characters, and a scarily feasible descent into the end of the world. Loved it, of course.
A 'quiet' book - seen through the eyes of a young girl, this book charts the changing relationships between her, her mother and her father, against a backdrop of Paris at the end of the Second World War. Gripping and beautiful.
Very witty and good fun. Will be gradually making my way through the rest of the series.
A fast paced, old school horror novel with enough gruesomeness and gore to tick the boxes, but not so much that it's grim. With the easy readability of some of the earlier King and Koontz novels, what this book lacks in characterisation it makes up for in storyline. Bring on the sequel!
I didn't find Holly a particularly likeable character, so didn't get on very well with Breakfast at Tiffany's. I enjoyed the three short stories more, especially A Christmas Memory, which was sweet and melancholy.
Listened to the audiobook whilst driving. Big mistake. Sobbed the whole journey today. I've read this before and loved it, but the narrator really brings something else to the book. Think The Fault In Our Stars combined with Shawshank Redemption and you might get close to this book. I LOVED it.
I loved this book. It's technically middle grade, although it's got some scary bits. I was reading it to my 10yo son but he got too impatient so finished the last 3 chapters by himself. Fast paced & fab, Moll & Gryff are the new Lyra & Pan. Here's my favourite quote.
Book 3 of the Locke & Key graphic novel series. The story is totally fascinating and the art is amazing. Here's the image that gripped my heart as I turned the page. Loving it.
Really enjoyed this short and spooky tale. Found myself reading quicker and quicker towards the end as I wanted to know what was going to happen!