“If death is your lover, you don‘t have to be afraid that he will ever leave you.”
“I watch him and drink some of my margarita. Icy and salty and sharp-sweet and making me feel that way you feel just as you‘re about to fall asleep, your body so heavy and your mind beginning to flash dream-fragments like coming attractions.”
A deep dive into Boston‘s infamous underworld of corruption and violence, centered around the Whitey Bulger Trial. A great read for any Bostonian or person interested in learning more about the Boston‘s murky past.
“He‘s quiet for a moment doing dips and circles in the air like a firefly. ‘Actually no. But if I were to do life again I‘d probably enjoy everything a lot more.‘”
A lyrical, haunting, poetic tapestry spun into a coming of age story about loss, love, anxiety, magic and fear.
“She‘s an era for you, an era of your life. If and when you break with her, you break with the only one alive who has shared that time with you. You fear that, the isolation of it, the burden, the scope of eternal life.”
1. Physical books! Although convenient, I‘m not a fan of ebooks.
2. Boston Public Library
3. I have once but prefer reading.
4. N/A
5. Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice
“Yes, she thinks, this is probably how it must feel to be a ghost. It‘s a little like reading, isn‘t it - that same sensation of knowing people, settings, situations, without playing any particular part beyond that of the willing observer.” #TheHours #MichaelCunningham
“He moved away a little too quickly, and something fell and shattered inside of me, like when I had dropped my favorite gold shot glass that time. I should have known. Women‘s intuition and all. But who wants to know? Delusion is so much more pleasant in the end.” #BeyondThePaleMotel #FrancescaLiaBlock
I was watching Eric, his golden hair falling forward as he looked down at the rapidly disintegrating remains of the self-styled Prince of Darkness. The thousand years of his life sat on him heavily, and for a second I saw every one of them. Then, by degrees, his face lightened, and when he looked up at me, it was with the expectancy of a child on Christmas Eve. “Maybe next year,” he said. #ATouchOfDead #CharlaineHarris
“What do we call visible light? We call it color. But the electromagnetic spectrum runs to zero in one direction and infinity in the other, so really, children, mathematically, all of light is invisible.” #AllTheLightWeCannotSee #AnthonyDoerr