Tweet Cute by Emma Lord. 5/5 grilled cheeses
Excited to start this!
So excited to start reading a book by Sarah J. Maas to see what all the hype is about 🙂
Im so glad I caved on my no buying books policy and got this one as quickly as I did. My first venture into Grady Hendrix's catalogue was Horrorstor which i loved. That piece was a creative package where everything meant something to the story. This one, however, is all about story: the world of Patty and the Southern Book Club and how life changes when a stranger comes to town. Captivating. Great pace &character growth. Highly recommend
"Our minds and souls contain volumes inscribed by our experiences and emotions; each individual's consciousness is a collection of memories we've catalogued and stored inside of us, a private library of a life lived."
-"The Library Book" by Susan Orlean
"When you reach the stars, boy, yes, and live there forever, all the fears will go, and Death himself will die. "
"...every ordinary moment holds a potential calamity, and you cannot know when one will rise." - Karen Thompson Walker