Currently reading.
This was my third Stephen King novel. Pretty good.
Current read. Slightly obsessed with the Tudors.
Currently reading. This is my second Stephen King book. Pretty good so far.
Currently reading. I have a little bit of a book hangover from throne of glass. Hopefully this helps.
This is preparation for going to the mutter museum this summer. So excited.
I loved the movie, so now I'll read the book. Backwards yes, but that's okay.
Currently reading. I've heard nothing but good things about this book. So hopefully I am not disappointed.
This was a super quick, cute read.
Preordered this today. It doesn't come out until August but I've been waiting forever.
I got this from book outlet. I'm a sucker for bind ups and it has pretty decent ratings on goodreads.
This book was amazing. 5 star. I am a sucker for anything World War II. The cover is beautiful as well.
Blind pick, but it sounds promising. It is suppose to be similar to gone girl. Thrillers aren't usually my go to genre.
This has been on my TBR shelf for too long. #currentlyreading #salem
I'm officially team Rhysand. I don't know how that happened.