My #readingspeed is 437 #WPM. Guess I'm something of a #speedreader! 😂🙈
#Question ... did you read #HarryPotter and the "Sorcerer's" Stone, or Harry Potter and the "Philosopher's" Stone? #AlternateTitles ? I am team #PhilosophersStone ? #JKRowling
#GameOfThrones #Aesthetic #BathBooks #BathBomb ✨💓 #Rest & #Relaxation ... and, you know #violent #murder in a #medieval #setting. 🐉 #TeamTargaryen
Every day on our #walk, Remy and I see this #BookBox! What a #lovely #neighbourhood addition to #inspire #reading! I always consider doing a #bookswap, but I am so attached to all of my #collection that I can never fathom giving any up. Remy would participate, if he could understand human and had thumbs to flip pages! #puppy
#SundayMorning #read with a cup of #greentea. 🍵 I have never read a #nonfiction book? I guess that's something to cross off of my #bucketlist! So far, I am loving #Blink. It really has me thinking!