Deceptively easy to read. I don‘t think it will make the #bookerprize shortlist, but it‘s strong novel and not as slight as you may think on first glance
Deceptively easy to read. I don‘t think it will make the #bookerprize shortlist, but it‘s strong novel and not as slight as you may think on first glance
First of the Booker Prize longlist that I will read. Anyone else trying to conquer the list?
An unholy melange of Misery, Brigadoon and Joe Versus the Volcano. It did take my mind off the shot utter mess world politics has become, so that‘s something.
This is an autobiographical novel about domestic violence. A week ago I fell resulting in 22 stitches to my face, a very black eye and visible bruising to my chest and lower left arm. While shopping with my husband, several women serving in stores gave my husband hard looks and asked me about my injuries. I was grateful for their, misplaced, concern and several friends revealed their own experiences & how they would‘ve appreciated such concern...
I listened to this as an audio book while running errands today. It is an important book documenting the inherent racism of Australia through Clarke‘s childhood. The story is absolutely relatable and powerful because of it. I would like to think things have changed but I fear they have not. We have so much more work to do in this area as a society and as individuals #stellaproject
A book about love and loyalty set against the backdrop of Egypt in WWII. I‘m biased as I know the author but it is a beautiful anecdote to toxic masculine culture
I appreciated all the finely observed period detail but don‘t feel the resolution really worked. It would have been three stars but for the Perkin‘s Paste reference and the details of rissole making.
More waiting at the Genius Bar and sneaking in some reading as well as knitting #placesyoucanread #placesyoucanknit #knitting #reading #waitingroomknitting #operationsockdrawer #bookstagram
A tender and emotionally resonant book about guilt, grief and reconciliation.
This was a 3 star read for me. It started off well, fell down in the middle and limped home, with some flashes of brilliance. It felt like a prequel to Sex and the City and it was too long by at least a third. I felt sorry for the editor who must have lost a few rounds on this one. I would recommend it for a long summer read, pity it‘s cruel winter here right now.
I‘m finding this book affirming and confronting and I‘m already recommending it.
An extraordinary book about and ordinary man. Finished after a lovely afternoon.
It‘s a bit like being taught to suck eggs but I‘ve had a long life of thrift, not everyone was raised by frugal parents. Also, local author, so #canberrapride #books #reading #audiobooks
This is an interesting story which uses and inter-generational relationship to explore themes of self-understanding and acceptance. I just didn‘t feel emotionally engaged but it. And I think it‘s me rather than the book.
“Are you saying it‘s ok for him to go around with Semtex but it‘s not ok for me to read Jane Eyre in public?” This is why I can‘t stop reading this infuriating novel; for sentences like that. Equal parts beguiling and infuriating. Also darkly funny.
Without taking away from the importance of the theme, the intent and the ignoble history it depicts, this feels more suited toa YA audience 3.5 stars
A dark speculative fiction set in a dystopian near future. Also a love story. What would you do for love. How many lives would you sacrifice for your own desire?
I am so enjoying this book, but some of the descriptions are off. WTF is a “manicured eyebrow“ anyway?
A book to be read for its honesty and its power. While there is artistic merit in some of the stories, the breadth of experience and the mirror it raises to Australia is reason enough for the 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
This will keep me company this afternoon and on my flight home. Challenging my white privilege.
Fresh on the car stereo this morning.
Another instalment I this fine series. 3/5
Today‘s audio book is an few hours with an old friend. 8th in the Ruth Galloway series. Easily digestible cosy. #books #reading #audiobooks #bookstagram #libraries
Beyond the plot, this has a very recognisable depiction of living with a returned serviceman. While my father was nowhere near as brutal (or cowardly) as Harold, I recognise the rage and the violent impulses. I also recognise the fear of the child manifest in adulthood. 4 stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
On the car stereo today, The Better Son by Katherine Johnson. Half way through and I feel so much for Kip. And the description of the father‘s PTSD behaviour is so spot on I‘ve caught my breath many times with the recognition. My father was not brutal as Harold but I recognise his pain and his actions. #libraries #books #reading #aww2019 #bookstagram #audiobooks
Scientist prostitutes his profession for advancement with the Third Reich. Got it. He‘s an ambitious and unpleasant brute whose “discoveries” underly the racial cleansing policies of Hitler. Quite how the voice of a taxidermed panda aids the plot is beyond me. Not worth finishing.
Ian McEwan can't write badly but I did not enjoy this book. I could cope with the moral philosophy, although I didn't actually agree with him much, and I could cope with the alternate reality and may have enjoyed an exploration of the inevitability of history, but neither was served by being in the same book. Or maybe they would have been but not this book. I left me cold and unsatisfied.
Having a work day where I spend time in the car between meetings so am starting this variously reviewed new title from Ian McEwan
Excellent genre fiction set in WWII Melbourne. Perfect for keeping me company on dreary errands.
This is a difficult book. Excoriatingly allegorical
Looking forward to this one. It‘s always exciting reading the books of people you know.
I have some time between appointments tonight so I‘m making inroads into this book. It is useful and interesting. If you live in the UK you must read this. I recommended it for everyone. Australians, you should also read Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia.
This has been much lauded. I can see why people love it. I just didn‘t enjoy it on the same way I don‘t enjoy magic and sleight of hand. The premise is novel and the narrator the most unreliable of all narrators. Don‘t read it for whodunnit - it isn‘t the point. Unfortunately the point came too late for me. 3 stars
Just starting The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle on this evening‘s commute. It‘s had mixed reviews so we will see if I finish it. #books #reading #audiobooks #bookstagram #libraries
Something fabulous to listen to waiting to set up for an afternoon celebrating the 3 years of my grandson‘s life.
Devastating. Achingly good read. Not the wisest choice to read on Mother‘s Day.
Listening to this today as I run errands. So engaging.
I keep reading how Elizabeth Harrower is a rediscovered literary genius. I've tried more than once to read her novels and hoped I'd have better luck with her short fiction. Nope, I just don't connect with it. Well written, absolutely, but strangely remote. I just can't engage. 3 stars
Utterly human and completely lacking in maudlin sentimentality. A masterly slow reveal of characters and concepts. An exploration of loss. Five stars. Book one in a challenge to read all of the Stella longlisted books.
Wonderful prose, masterly pacing - I don‘t want this to end.
So important to match your book with your knitting #yarn #knitting #books #reading #bookstagram
I got 30 or so pages in and bailed. So many literary names dropped, so many quotations. Also when I encounter the word “flaneur” I translate it as “pretentious wanker”. Despite being ostensibly about literature and dogs (two passions of mine), this was not for me.
Read on two sittings and it gave me nightmares in between. I‘m going to have to process this a bit more. Also the most accurate description of the experience of medically induced ‘roid rage. I can see why it won the Finch Memoir Prize and am pleased it beat some of the others on the Stella Prize short list but still not convinced it should have won.
Perfect Saturday morning. Husband snoring in bed with the dogs, a big pot of decaf, favourite cup and this beautiful autumn light.