Although I'm behind for last month's #modernmrsdarcy book club pick, I do enjoy this novel. I can relate to many of the characters and their "anti-social" behaviors. ? #introvert #readreadread #alwaysbehind #workingonit
Although I'm behind for last month's #modernmrsdarcy book club pick, I do enjoy this novel. I can relate to many of the characters and their "anti-social" behaviors. ? #introvert #readreadread #alwaysbehind #workingonit
This is why I made myself choose only one #BOTM, and promptly put my second choice on hold at the library 🤣 #workingonit #stillnumber3onholdlist
🎶I just never understood
How a man who died for good
Could not have a day that would
Be set aside for his recognition🎶
I somehow don't have anything by Dr. King, or even any Baldwin on my shelves right now, so I decided to highlight some great black authors whose books I do have. I've been reading a lot more #diversebooks lately, but many have been from the library and my shelves are still white as hell. #workingonit #happybirthday
#AshesToAshes because the movie version is titled Ashes in the Snow. #SeptemBowie