"It was bitingly cold up here, and the wind pulled at his clothes like an insistent lover."
Love that imagery
#bookquotes #quotes #language #waywithwords #currentlyreading #doorstoppers #MountTBR #paperbacks #wordsmith
"It was bitingly cold up here, and the wind pulled at his clothes like an insistent lover."
Love that imagery
#bookquotes #quotes #language #waywithwords #currentlyreading #doorstoppers #MountTBR #paperbacks #wordsmith
Such the #wordsmith
#blurb #blurbing #justforfun #litsyterminology #littenlaughs #justforfun #sleepdeprivation #bedtime
📬💌📬Today's the day! I am looking forward to my #bookmail when I get home. 💕 Until then, just looking at few pieces of my Fitzgerald collection.
•#fscottfitzgerald #shortstory #icon #americanlit #flapper #wordsmith #masteroftheshortstory #fangirl #booklover #scribnerbooks #WeSwoonforFScott
All kinds of DEAD! 😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😱😱😱😵😵😵😵😵😵#sorrynotsorry #wordsmith