I made a stack of books to reshelve; he knocked them over and promptly laid down. #menace #TomKitten #CatsOfLitsy
I made a stack of books to reshelve; he knocked them over and promptly laid down. #menace #TomKitten #CatsOfLitsy
As a cat-obsessed 7 year-old, Socks was the first Beverly Cleary book I ever read. In a fit of nostalgia, I bought this old copy and my cat-loving heart has only softened with age because what do you mean they threw their beloved pet out and made him live in the garage?!?! Cleary's descriptions of Socks' loneliness and bewilderment in the midst of a new baby coming still tug at my heart and made me hug my own #TomKitten and #ColeCat more closely.
I liked this one more than I didn't, but in taking aim at "boring" theatre, the author comes off as supercilious, as if his tastes, ideas, and aesthetics are superior to all else. I agree that we need more boldness in theatre, that there need to be new approaches to the development of new plays and the structures of arts institutions, that artists need more freedom to fail- but I also wish we could be more "Yes, and..." in our thinking. ???
It was really fun to revisit this little collection of Tolkien's poems. They're a mixed bag for me, but where he's good, he's really, really good. My own reading buddy #TomKitten kept me company most nights, so here he is, pictured with his namesake. #FellowshipOfTolkien #CatsOfLitsy
Bringing in this new year with a much-anticipated book and my buddy #TomKitten next to me. I loved Melinda Lo's Last Night at the Telegraph Club and this one is a lovely companion novel, unafraid to lean into uncertainty, melancholy, and a little bit of mess as the young characters grapple with identities and relationships changing and growing. I'm a Lo fan for life now; excited to seek out her other titles!
Both #TomKitten and #ColeCat are doing their best to thwart my year-end reading. Really trying to knock out a few more titles over here, but cats are gonna be cats, eh? #CatsOfLitsy #BlackCats
Thought I'd start my latest #PersephonePick tonight but naturally, #TomKitten had other plans. 🖤 #CatsOfLitsy
Had to break out a decoy book so that #TomKitten would let me read. Anyone else have a pet who needs to be all up in your shit at all times? 😂 #CatsOfLitsy