How woman break boundaries in the Great outdoors.
How woman break boundaries in the Great outdoors.
I am so thoroughly enjoying this book. Even just in print, I can absolutely “hear” Offerman, and I love it. He‘s a delight. #wherethedeerandtheantelopeplay #nickofferman #usnationalparks #thegreatoutdoors
Wonderful hike yesterday to the sound of rushing water & waterfalls. We have used this book so often for trails to waterfalls & it never fails us in its accuracy & depiction of trailheads, scenery, landmarks, plants, trees, shrubs, along the way. #waterfallsofnewengland #Beaconfallsct #Sprucebrookfalls #miniroadtrip #hikingtogether #lifeisgood #thinkpositivebepositive #thegreatoutdoors #ctstateparks #bluetrail
Finally, some outdoor reading time. If only I can convince my family to leave me alone for a while, my afternoon will be filled with books. #springreading #apriltbr #thegreatoutdoors #essays