I am so thoroughly enjoying this book. Even just in print, I can absolutely “hear” Offerman, and I love it. He‘s a delight. #wherethedeerandtheantelopeplay #nickofferman #usnationalparks #thegreatoutdoors
I am so thoroughly enjoying this book. Even just in print, I can absolutely “hear” Offerman, and I love it. He‘s a delight. #wherethedeerandtheantelopeplay #nickofferman #usnationalparks #thegreatoutdoors
I didn‘t actually anticipate finishing “Unprotected” before it was time to leave, so I didn‘t bring another book to read. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on the state of my Library Pile at any given moment) I have a whole building to choose from. 😂 #wherethedeerandtheantelopeplay #nickofferman