decided to read the harry potter books, it‘s been almost 20 years since i first read sorcerers Stone 😱 #teamravenclaw
decided to read the harry potter books, it‘s been almost 20 years since i first read sorcerers Stone 😱 #teamravenclaw
I KNEW it!! #TeamRavenclaw all the way... 💙 The Hufflepuff bit doesn't come as a surprise though since I've always liked that House as well. And I had to laugh when I saw the Slytherin/Griffindor percentage. 😂
#harrypotter20 #harrypotter #sortinghat #ravenclaw #alltimefavorite
I'm vastly behind in reviews... But I guess I'd rather luxuriate in the #potter20 anniversary! The Times sorted me overwhelmingly into Ravenclaw, and I guess the fact that I am approving of the scientific bent of the quiz may mean they are right #teamravenclaw 🤣 but on Pottermore I'm a Hufflepuff, and lately, Slytherine has felt very underappreciated... So I sorted myself into somewhere a bit closer to home! Anyone else #teamthunderbird?
Happy birthday, Harry Potter! (It's a Gryffindor sweater, but I'm Ravenclaw all the way.) ⚡️❤️🎂
20 years ago. Oh my, I'm getting old. 😂 I remember living in San Diego at the time and seeing this interesting looking novel at the local bookstore. Back then I thought I was too old for it (I was 21) but a few years later I devoured the first few books and them waited impatiently for the next ones. Last February I took my mom (who I had 'infected' as well) to the HP studios In Watford (picture), next year I'm seeing the play. 💙 #teamravenclaw