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Dracula | Bram Stoker
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TheNeverendingTBR 🧛‍♂️🌙 4y
Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR vampires are always a good idea🦇🦇 I'm loving this 😁 4y
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Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR not yet, but it's in my bookshelf from years 😅 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Ast_Arslan I recommend it! 🙌 4y
Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR 👍 thanks! I will read it, sooner or later 😁😅 4y
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You‘re all correct 🤓Frankenstein has picked up ❣️Once Victor returned home, the story has really become engaging. Im on chapter 8 (12 on audio) and hooked.

jenniferw88 🎉🎉🎉 woohoo! I'm so pleased you stuck with it! (Mary Shelley is buried locally to me!) 5y
BarbaraBB You knew you could trust us 😉💕 5y
alisiakae Glad we didn‘t let you down 😉🤣 5y
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Cinfhen I might have gotten ahead of myself @BarbaraBB @4thhouseontheleft @jenniferw88 My interest is waning😬🙈#FickleFickle #TeamDracula 5y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen at least it's a short book! Is it 12 chapters in total for the audio? Where abouts are you in it now? 5y
BarbaraBB I admit mine was too, but then came the ending and that was great again 🤪 5y
Bookzombie I admit to struggling through this at times, but it was worth it overall. You can make it! 🙂 5y
Cinfhen There is 29 chapters in the audio @jenniferw88 I‘m in middle of chapter 19😬Frankenstein is in the middle of repeating his journey. He‘s talking about PARADISE LOST now & his comparison to ADAM. It‘s actually an interesting comparison. 5y
Cinfhen This book IS good but there‘s a lot of slogging through @Bookzombie @BarbaraBB I can see why it‘s a classic and why it‘s been assigned to almost every HS student 🎓 5y
BarbaraBB Kudos for not giving up! Are you almost finished? 5y
Cinfhen Two hours left on audio but I switched to Serial Reader and I have less than 12 “issues” left @BarbaraBB I‘ll be glad when it‘s over😁 5y
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Another great pick for #TeamDracula! Thanks, @sprainedbrain for choosing this one- I don‘t think I would have read it otherwise and I really liked it! I feel like it‘s been a while since I read a genuine ghost story so this was a lot of fun!! Looking forward to seeing what we read next!!

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Behind Closed Doors | B. A. Paris
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Thanks, #TeamDracula, for bumping this one up my TBR! I‘ve wanted to read it for a while! And it‘s certainly fast-paced with an #Obnoxious villain who is #Missing more of a backstory to explain his brand of evil! There are a few loose ends and implausible leaps that stopped me from really loving this. #AugustABC #AyUpAugust

Eggs Nice double play🤗 5y
TorieStorieS @Eggs Thanks!! 😁😁😁 5y
squirrelbrain Well done on getting a review and two challenges all in one! 😁👍 5y
TorieStorieS Thanks, @squirrelbrain - I love it when I can make it work like that!! 😊😊😊 5y
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This House Is Haunted | Guy Lyon Playfair
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This book took a minute for me to get into, but I am glad I stuck with it. It was quite the adventure and had twists and turns I was not expecting. I really enjoyed this book and am so glad that it was chosen for #TeamDracula to read. Can‘t wait to see what everyone else thinks.

(PS: I am late in posting this and I hope 🤞🏻 it has made it to Torie.)

#HorrorGoesPostalBookClub #hgpbc

sprainedbrain Glad you liked it! Is it bad that I actually forgot which book I sent? 😂 5y
AsYouWish @sprainedbrain Not at all. I only remembered that I hadn‘t reviewed it yet, when I found a bunch of my thriller books and was starting to pick one out in case we did a Round 3. I use to get a Thriller subscription box and I don‘t think I ever read a single one, but now some are appealing to me. (edited) 5y
TorieStorieS Yes- the book has arrived! Both of them! 🤗🎉👏 5y
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AsYouWish @TorieStorieS Yay!!! So sorry it took so long to get them to you! Hope you enjoy them!! 5y
TorieStorieS No worries! I‘m looking forward to them both! 😊 5y
AsYouWish @TorieStorieS I highly recommend both, I fell in love both of the stories and one of them stuck with me for a long time after I read it. 5y
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Behind Closed Doors | B. A. Paris
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Oh my stars!!! This book was a crazy ride from start to finish. Jack and Grace appear to have a perfect marriage, a perfect house, a perfect life...appearances can be deceiving! I can not express how much I recommend this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I hope the rest of #TeamDracula loves this book too.

#HorrorGoesPostalBookClub #hgpbc

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The Post-Office Girl | Stefan Zweig
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My post office bag runneth over today. 😃

The next #LGPOG package is on the way to @Eyelit and should arrive by Tuesday.

The next #ReadersGonnaRead book should get to @Theshadedbuffalo by Wednesday.

And the first book for round two of #HGPBC #TeamDracula should reach @AsYouWish tomorrow!


AsYouWish Oh goodness, I haven't picked out my book yet! Hopefully this weekend, I can pick it out and then get it read soon!! 6y
sprainedbrain @AsYouWish haha! I don‘t think there‘s a rush for our round 2 is there? 6y
AsYouWish Haha!! I know for me it is a busy time of the school year and I may or may not have forgotten about finding a book, 🤦🏻‍♀️! But I will get on it this weekend, 🤞🏻!! 6y
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Not my favorite John Boyne (so far) but honestly, his others that I have read were mind-blowing. Still, it was a fun, quick read with some spookiness and lots of Victorian-gothic ghost story goodness. How can I not love a book with Dickens and Austen references? 😊


This is my pick for the second round of our #HGPBC #TeamDracula, and I will be sending it out at the end of the month. I hope you ladies enjoy it, too!

StellarDoc I'm having trouble finding a book. Hmmmm. 6y
AsYouWish @StellarDoc I am still trying to decide too. 6y
TorieStorieS Excited to read this one!! I‘m ready to send soon too! 😊 6y
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And a bunch of my bookclub books are headed towards the next person. 😃

Deborah, the next book for #LMBPC is on the way,

Elizabeth, your book for #HGPBC #TeamDracula is coming home to you,

And Branddy, my selection for #ReadersGonnaRead will be with you soon!

This concludes my post office adventures for today. 😜

Theshadedbuffalo Woo hoo!! Can‘t wait! 6y
Butterfinger @jmofo I also mailed Edith Wharton today. 6y
arubabookwoman Can‘t wait to receive it. I am now loving Labyrinths, but it is so complex it is taking me forever to read as I must read slowly. I apologize in advance for being slow to forward it to you Tammy, but I hope to finish by the end of the week. @Butterfinger @jmofo 6y
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jmofo @arubabookwoman I am glad you‘re enjoyng Borges! @Butterfinger that is good news! @sprainedbrain If the weather doesn‘t interfere, you should see meet the Buddenbrooks tomorrow or so! 6y
sprainedbrain @jmofo looking forward to tackling that one! How did you like it? 6y
jmofo @sprainedbrain I liked it! I was a little surprised but it‘s an interesting and fun read. I don‘t want to spoil it (I‘m glad I knew very little about the book before getting into it.) 6y
sprainedbrain @jmofo It was in my mailbox tonight! 🙌🏻 6y
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It‘s been a while since I read a thriller that didn‘t annoy me somehow (usually with completely unlikable, unreliable narrators), but this was very good! It is graphic at times, and downright gross at others, but the story moves along quickly and I really liked several of the main characters. Solid writing, and a bit of a twist ending that didn‘t make me mad. 🙌🏻

Great choice for #HGPBC #TeamDracula, Elizabeth!


MelissaS I love the “ending that didn‘t make me mad” endorsement!! I completely understand 6y
sprainedbrain @MelissaS I just hate when they throw in a lazy twist at the end that makes the rest of the book seem pointless. That did NOT happen here! 😂 6y
BookDragonNotWorm I really liked this one. It didn't feel like something I'd read a dozen times, the plot was fresh and unique. 6y
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