First time on Libby! I know I‘m late to the game but don‘t usually retain audio books as well as visual reading - BUT this speed adjustment is a game changer! Not sure what to make of the 3rd Beggars book yet, though…
First time on Libby! I know I‘m late to the game but don‘t usually retain audio books as well as visual reading - BUT this speed adjustment is a game changer! Not sure what to make of the 3rd Beggars book yet, though…
This year I‘m reading all the sequels I‘ve been putting off - I couldn‘t believe my luck when I found the sequel to Beggars in Spain in a little free library right by my house!
Help me out my fellow #StayHome24in48 #readathon Littens & my fellow #MarchUnshelfing #challenge peeps. Should I finish with
A. The Chain-a crime/thriller set in Canada I believe.
B. True Grit- a classic western
C. 2001 A Space Odyssey-a classic sci-fi OR
D. Five Unicorn Flush-a strange mix of scifi & fantasy with space faring unicorns & fairies( trust me, the 1st book was amazing)
Let me know in the comments👍
Up next for #sleepless nights. #scifi #classic #ilikereading #butid #ratherbesleeping
#anxiety #ptsd #sleepless
What books have helped your anxiety? Not necessary self help or books about anxiety.
I actually have a hard time reading about anxiety because it tends to trigger the beginning of panic attacks. :/