Having breakfast at Panera. My sister is meeting me. We will visit while my husband is having a stent put in his artery. She is a nurse practitioner & the family medical advocate! #sistersarethebest #janeandtheexcellentreadalong
Having breakfast at Panera. My sister is meeting me. We will visit while my husband is having a stent put in his artery. She is a nurse practitioner & the family medical advocate! #sistersarethebest #janeandtheexcellentreadalong
Having a sister weekend , spending it at the camp of one sister. I'm reading while they are still sleeping!
#sistersarethebest #pandemicreading
Have a great weekend all my Litsy friends!
I've been with my sisters on a getaway to the Pocono area of Pennsylvania! We walked around the town of Jim Thorpe, my leg told me I did too much but it was fun! I'll be back with you all tomorrow! #litsylove #sistersarethebest