Tinuviel was dancing there/ To music of a pipe unseen/ And light of stars was in her hair/ And in her raiment glimmering. #HLOTRreadalong2017 #shareateachallenge #shareatea2017 #buddhastears
Tinuviel was dancing there/ To music of a pipe unseen/ And light of stars was in her hair/ And in her raiment glimmering. #HLOTRreadalong2017 #shareateachallenge #shareatea2017 #buddhastears
The perfect cup of tea to be starting The Hobbit with - the road to a friends place is never long (anon) - #shareateachallenge #jrrrtolkien #greentea #buddhastears "In a hole in the ground lived a hobbit." #HLOTRreadalong2017 #shareatea2017
I love matching my holiday reading to my destination. Even lovelier is when you come back from dinner to find a relaxing yet refreshing rosehip tea waiting you, complete with the perfect holiday message #shareatea2017 #mexico #travellerstales #holidayread
"There is nothing we can do. Nothing will change if you upset yourself. The calf will still die, the mother will moan, we will still need the money. We will be here. You cannot change anything by your tears, but you can change some things by your actions." pg 53 #shareatea2017 (or a banana smoothie!)