Happy Groundhog Day. 3 of them said early spring. Yay! I love Groundhog Day. Spring is coming.
Happy Groundhog Day. 3 of them said early spring. Yay! I love Groundhog Day. Spring is coming.
"IN THIS INCREDIBLY COMPETITIVE SOCIETY OF OURS, HOW MANY OF us truly feel good about ourselves? It seems such a fleeting thing—feeling good—especially as we need to feel special and above average to feel worthy. Anything less seems like a failure."
#MentalHealth #SelfWorth
1) We were getting my daughter ready for Christmas photos and she was super excited to wear her new dress! 2) Just staying at home this year as my husband has to work New Years Eve (he works 3rd shift) Probably going out to dinner with my mom and grandma and obviously my daughter ❤️ #wonderouswednesday thanks for the tag @Catsandbooks
This book holds a special place in my heart, and I think it is EXTREMELY important for children to know that they matter.
No matter what you are, you matter. Whether you are big or small, or however you may be, you matter. This book shows that each and everyone of us matters, as does everything around us.
This book holds a special place in my heart and I‘ll read it to all of my future classes. It shows that each one of us matters, no matter where we are in life and that is the most important thing a book can teach
“You alone know how to make yourself feel whole.”
#selfworth #selflove #selfesteem