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“To be alive at all is to have scars.” #scarstoyourbeautiful #tuneintonovember

Robothugs Great quote 😊 7y
JaclynW Lovely quote. 7y
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Such a Pretty Girl | Laura Wiess
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I felt this fit for #scarstoyourbeautiful the young girl has some emotional scars she has to deal it in this book. I read this when I was maybe 17 and finished in one sitting. #Tuneintonovember
The lighting was awful in this one lol!

Jas16 I used to have that exact poster of Audrey 7y
Ash.on.the.line @Jas16 my mom got me that one! I have a few different ones of her! 7y
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#TuneIntoNovember #ScarsToYourBeautiful I had to go with a classic & an all-time favorite book & movie for this prompt. Inigo Montoya is a beloved character & he is scarred both physically on his face, as well as in his heart & soul from seeing his father killed in a sword fight when he was a small boy. His consuming pursuit of revenge for his father (& a satisfying revenge it is) still leaves time for the beauty of his friendship with Fezzik. 💜

TricksyTails 😍 So much love for this movie. It makes me smile to see young Mandy Patinkin as Inigo and also visualize him as Saul from Homeland. 7y
Centique Oh this is a perfect choice! My favourite character from my favourite movie 😍 7y
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A Little Life: A Novel | Hanya Yanagihara
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When I️ see the word “scars” I️ can‘t think of anything other than this book 😭

AmyG Perfect! 7y
Kalalalatja 😭😭😭😭 7y
bobregina This cover is absolutely stunning 💔 7y
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BarbaraBB Of course! Why didn‘t I think of it?! 7y
TrishB Great pick 👍 7y
Reviewsbylola I‘m with @barbarabb. Why didn‘t this immediately cross my mind? 7y
bookloo I can‘t even look at the names without feeling immense sadness. 😭 7y
cathysaid I will never forget this book (and I unfortunately forget a lot). Imprinted in my mind forever. 💔 (edited) 7y
NovelVisits Definitely on my all time favorite book short list. ❤️ 7y
Cinfhen @cathysaid TRUTH ✨✨😊✨✨ 7y
Cathythoughts Perfect choice 🙏 7y
mgallo1968 Great read. One of the best books I read last year. 7y
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Prince of Thorns | Mark Lawrence
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#scarstoyourbeautiful #tuneintonovember
@Cinfhen @Robothugs
Jorg is mentally scarred by the thorn tree.....this drives the rest of his life.
Epic (violent), awesome fantasy.

Robothugs It sounds good! 7y
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Fault in Our Stars | John Green
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#tuneintonovember #scarstoyourbeautiful

I actually haven‘t read this yet but the film did me in! I‘ve had cancer and lost friends to cancer, including the young daughter of a friend. This film felt far more like the way young people with cancer feel and act than any other I‘d seen. The prompt made me think of Augustus with his amputation - love Augustus forever! 😍😍😍 Beautiful hearts often carry scars and wounds don‘t they?

Robothugs Wonderful pick 😊 7y
Cinfhen So true! The film really did me in as well!! I didn't know you are a survivor 🙌🏻💗💗💗my 2 SIL are both cancer survivors 🙏🏻 7y
Centique @Cinfhen I‘m very lucky and blessed - happy to hear your SILs have come out the other side ok too 💕💕 7y
Jeg Have t seen the film but certainly loved the book. Lots of tears. 7y
Centique @Jeg oh I know, buckets of tears 😭😭 7y
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Girl in Pieces | Kathleen Glasgow
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This book follows the scar-covered Charlie and her complex and painful process of healing. It's a heartbreaking read, but not shying away from serious and tragic issues makes it worthwhile, too. #ScarsToYourBeautiful #TuneIntoNovember

Cinfhen Sounds sooo sad 😢 7y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen it is really good, but a very brutal read! 7y
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The Light Between Oceans | M. L. Stedman
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“Scars are just another kind of memory.”



Cathythoughts Beautiful & very true ❤️ (edited) 7y
Cinfhen That is beautiful❣️I forgot how much I loved this book. 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cinfhen I know!!! ❤️❤️ I just locked myself out of my account trying to get into the other one 😩😩 I can‘t get it to work!! (edited) 7y
Centique That is a great quote! I haven‘t read this one yet, I‘d better get to it. 7y
hollymckie what a gorgeous cover! 😍 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Centique yes!!! It‘s soooo good!!! 7y
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Nothing Tastes As Good | Claire Hennessy
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The lyrics of #scarstoyourbeautiful brought to mind this novel, which is still on my TBR. It takes a look at the disturbing ‘culture‘ of anorexia, bulimia, obesity and image-obsessed young adults, and provides a positive message for those struggling with body confidence.

Robothugs Good pick! 7y
Cinfhen Excellent choice and such an important message💚 7y
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