4⭐️ This is a fun book full of postcard stories of parents crazy stories of their kids. They are fun, smart, and real. Plus the authors put in a few drinking games, and things that make for #saddays. A good read when you need a laugh.
4⭐️ This is a fun book full of postcard stories of parents crazy stories of their kids. They are fun, smart, and real. Plus the authors put in a few drinking games, and things that make for #saddays. A good read when you need a laugh.
I got all excited when I heard a sound that was unmistakably a book being thrown down outside my house. I am expecting book mail and I got so excited. I walk outside and it's the mother truckin' white pages? Or phone book? I don't even know, that's how much I care. The dog sticker accurately portrays my face at that moment. #saddays