Quote from Peter Szigeti, a high-ranking, pampered member of the Hungarian communist party on his disillusionment. (After admitting to himself that Hungary was really ruled by the #Russians.)
He helps lead the revolution.
Quote from Peter Szigeti, a high-ranking, pampered member of the Hungarian communist party on his disillusionment. (After admitting to himself that Hungary was really ruled by the #Russians.)
He helps lead the revolution.
I‘m flitting about with my reading today. Just started this book—how the #Russians crushed Hungarian uprising in 1956. Yowza.
Benny and Dimitri have been friends for awhile, and both are wondering how to make it into something more. Then Dimitri gets the chance to show he can be there for her when danger starts to surround her bakery and her brother is getting into trouble.
It‘s a sweet book, I loved them together. It‘s faced paced and fun.
I love novellas that start a series. This is the beginning of some sweet mafia romance, different than others I‘ve read. Erin needs help. Her addicted sister is missing and in trouble. She goes to Ivan because she knows he had fingers in those illegal plots.A good novella. I loved how Ivan tried to not scare Erin and tried to hide his past because he was ashamed. But he was still an strong and protective guy which I appreciate in romance novels.
I put my makeshift lamps on while I finished IVAN. It was pretty good; nice chemistry between the leads (albeit with semi-instalove and no concrete reasons why they were into each other) and a high stakes crime story with a solid emotional core. It felt like it flew by, too, even though Kobo says it took me a solid 1:42 to finish.
This brings my Readathon total to 5:30. #deweyoct #readathon
Time for tea & peanut butter wafers. It felt appropriate to drink this Siberian ginseng & ginger root tea while I read about a Russian guy.
IVAN is the third romance freebie I‘ve pulled off La TBR this afternoon, and the only one that left me hopeful after its first chapter. Fingers crossed it stays good. #deweyoct #readathon
#JulyColdPlay Yuri, a seventeen year old physicist, is #TheScientist from Russia who has been called by NASA to help stop an asteroid from hitting the Earth.
A friend passed this on to me. He loved it! It‘s a chunkster, and still sits on my TBR. 😕#russians #wanderingjune