Exhausted this evening. Reading in bed with my constant companions until my eyes close. ❤️📚🐶😴 #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #puppymillsurvivor
Exhausted this evening. Reading in bed with my constant companions until my eyes close. ❤️📚🐶😴 #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #puppymillsurvivor
30 pages left to go in One Good Dog. Reading with a delicious summer ale and my constant companions, who switched it up tonight - Hazel on my lap and Hamilton stretched out beside me. I know he is much happier this way! I am enjoying this book! #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #readingbuddies
Reading One Good Dog with my two good dogs. Snuggle time! Hamilton, the apricot/cream poodle, is not a snuggler. He‘s only on my lap because Hazel, the red/brown poodle (our puppy mill Mama) who is a snuggler, is next to me. Hamilton, while it‘s no question I‘m his person (he whines when I am out of sight), prefers to be near me but not touching, unless someone else is closer to me. 😂❤️🐶 #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #puppymillsurvivor
I‘m getting the “It‘s playtimes!” look from Hamilton. Except I‘ve worked a full day, taxied the kids to and from sports practices, made dinner, walked this guy, and filled out the 5 pages of forms for the oral surgeon consult tomorrow for one of the kids (wisdom teeth time 🙁). It‘s “me times!” 🙂❤️📚 I am loving the fast pace of this book! #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #amreading
Hubby and I took a long walk with the pup. Now I am relaxing and he‘s photobombed my background. Hamilton‘s making his bed in my reading chair. Oh, how I love that dog! ❤️🐩📚 #amreading #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #hamiltonsighting
My reading partner and constant companion. We had a nice long walk around the neighborhood, on which he saw a few of his doggie friends and had a chance to bark at some deer. He‘s sufficiently exhausted so now I can read. 😉❤️📚 #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #highenergypup #heneedsaplaymate
Just look at that sweet pup keeping an eye on me as I read. I just ❤️ this guy so much! 🥰😍
I‘m about halfway through this book. Not liking the choices Elizabeth is making at all. I‘ll finish this one up tomorrow during the Dewey‘s 24 Hour Readathon. #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #deweys24hourreadathon #deweysreadathon
This book is great so far! 80 pages in and I am turning the pages as fast as I can!
Hamilton, my constant companion, is less than interested. I didn‘t fall in love with him for his taste in books, or his breath. 😉❤️📚🐶🐩 #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #minipoodle #ilovemydog
My reading partner on this cold & blustery day. ❤️📚🐶 Trying to finish this one in the next day or two. My Bookly app says I have over 5 hours left to read. #dogsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy #readingpartner
If, after a crazy busy week, wanting nothing more than to jump into bed with my dog & my book on a Friday night is wrong, then I don‘t want to be right! ❤️ #poodlesoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #wildfridaynight