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Station Eleven | Emily St John Mandel
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⭐️⭐️ I couldn‘t put this down, anxious for something to happen. And, I‘m still waiting. Civilization was swiftly obliterated by an aggressive swine flu mutation, leaving behind the most mundane survivors ever. Sure, the prophet was intriguing, but he‘s a very thin slice, and not even well-fleshed. My true complaint is the lack of detail, lack of real anguish and fear. Get into the grit. Otherwise, what‘s the point of dystopian entertainment?

MsMelissa Ha ha! Yours is an unpopular opinion 😂 (and that‘s fine. I‘ve so-so‘d on lots of well loved books) 4y
britt_brooke @Book_Fiend_Melissa 😆 Hyped books get the brunt of my scrutiny. 4y
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CallMeIshmael I love this book so much it‘s top 3 of all time!! Boo you lol 4y
britt_brooke @vivastory Here‘s what I thought about Station Eleven. 4y
vivastory I mean, you're not wrong...😆 4y
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#WinterWonderland A future IRL bookclub choice. Seems to be a hate it/ love it type of book and a romance story ( which usually isn‘t my thing😳) From the blurb I gather a car accident that stems from a #FirstSnowOnBrooklyn brings together 3 individuals who are all grappling with loneliness and despair. The book is set in Chile,Brazil, Guatemala & present day Brooklyn. Using this for #pop19 too!

Reggie Wow, good job!!! 6y
BarbaraBB I‘m a bit fed up with Allende. I read a lot by her in the 90s and then stopped. So i am looking forward to what you think of this one! (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Haha 😆 thanks @Reggie I hear ya @BarbaraBB I think she‘s a bit #OverRated 🤫🤫🤫🤫 6y
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TrishB @Cinfhen another not read from me either!! 6y
Cinfhen I can send it your way after bookclub @TrishB 6y
KarenUK This was gonna my pick too! Also not read it.... 🤷‍♀️ 6y
Cinfhen Your quote from a tree grows in Brooklyn was wayyyyy better than this choice❄️💜😀 6y
TrishB Thank you 😘 6y
Chrissyreadit Sounds like a good premise. 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve been meaning to read Allende. 6y
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Adultre | Paulo Coelho
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This face sums up how I felt going through this book. I had so many wtf moments 😕😕. It was my first time reading #PauloCoelho and I hated every second of it. At some point I even thought his work was #Overrated and maybe some part of me still does. But I'm willing to keep discovering his writing until I find that one book that will definitely prove me wrong. Any suggestions ? Which one of his books should I read?

Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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Unfortunately Northanger Abbey is not my cup of tea.. and this view from the toilet in the Jane Austen Museum was the most interesting part of the tour 😳 #sorrynotsorry #boringAF

Reviewsbylola Lol, tell us how you really feel tho. 7y
emilyhaldi Keepin it real! 7y
Laura317 😂😂😂 7y
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Jas16 I was honestly really disappointed by the Jane Austen museum as well. My favorite part was the gift shop. 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ha!! 🚽 well, at least there‘s that! 7y
Meredith3 @Jas16 yes the gift shop was really nice! All the books were so gorgeous, but based off my dislike of NA I decided against getting any more Jane Austen books. 7y
Arcana You should have read Pride & Prejudice first. I laughed so hard that I had tears running down my face! Northanger Abbey is not JA‘s best novel. (edited) 7y
mrp27 😂😂 7y
BarbaraBB Haha! 7y
minkyb Fun family travels! 7y
Mdargusch The museum was definitely not the greatest @Jas16 7y
Christine11 Is it the Bath museum ? I love Austen but thought that museum was terrible 🙁 7y
Meredith3 @BarbaraBB my family definitely made it fun 😹 7y
Meredith3 @Christine11 I don't have much experience reading Jane Austen, but I have to agree with you on the museum! 7y
britt_brooke 😆 I haven‘t read this, but I didn‘t much care for P&P. 7y
Cinfhen Don't tell your sisters...I'm not a fan of JA 🤐 7y
Cinfhen She's totally #overrated!!!! 7y
Meredith3 @Cinfhen omg I LOVE YOU! she was a total #snoooooozefest !!! 7y
Cinfhen Hahahahaha...I'm still recovering from #GWTW and now they suckered me into #Dunces #WhatABunch🙄 7y
Meredith3 This is Emily reading this over Mere's shoulder ... You're in trouble @Cinfhen !!! ☝🏻 7y
Meredith3 @Cinfhen omg GWTW was a real marathon for me, and I gave up on lonesome Dove, so we shall see how #dunces goes 😳🙄 7y
Cinfhen Oh crap...forgot about #lonedove...I bailed on that one 😬and now @emilyhaldi is onto me 🤭 7y
readinginthedark I‘ve never been to the museum, but I love Jane Austen. Northanger Abbey is my least favorite of her novels; it has a completely different tone from the rest of her books. 7y
Meredith3 @readinginthedark 🤔 hmmm maybe I should give JA another chance?? 7y
readinginthedark Here‘s my advice (and I will never say this about any books other than classics, so please don‘t accuse me of heresy): watch the movies first. That‘s what I did. Preferably any versions that came out in the 90‘s, because those have been the most accurate so far. If you like one of those, read the book. You‘ll get the basic plot and romantic storyline you loved in the movie, plus all of the added witty social commentary. 7y
Meredith3 @readinginthedark that sounds like great advice! Thank you so much! I will definitely plan on doing that! 💕 7y
readinginthedark 👍🏻I hope it works! But I know a few people who don‘t really like JA. Don‘t feel bad either way! 😉 7y
Reviewsbylola I think that‘s great advice. @readinginthedark Sometimes it helps to know the plot through all that antiquated language. 7y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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#bookconfession I despise Dickens. There. I said it. These are the books that I always use as examples of "sometimes you have to read stuff in school that you don't love" when my kids complain. Even "A Christmas Carol" fell flat for me, though I love many of the movie adaptations. #marchintoreading #day2 #didntlikeitstillfinished #onlybecausetheywererequired @RealLifeReading

Reviewsbylola I actually gave up on A Tale of Two Cities with 90 pages left. I just couldn't do it. 8y
TelevisionNeighbor I think I'm one of the few in the world that actually likes him. 8y
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MaleficentBookDragon 👏I agree. 8y
OrangeMooseReads I've only read one Dickens and I thought it was boring as all get out 8y
mom2bugnbee @Kristajayec You can't possibly be, because he's still considered a classic! I'm sure there are plenty of Dickens lovers out there. I'm just not one of them. 8y
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One of the most overrated books I have read. The story didn't pick up until halfway through. Even in the last few pages, where all is revealed, I struggled to keep my eyes open.
I'm so glad I finally finished reading it! Now I can look for something more interesting to read.
#thegirlonthetrain #paulahawkins #review #2stars #overrated

booksandcats13 @s-banon People keep talking about this one but I kept thinking, "Meh?" I'm glad to have some confirmation on that :) 8y
reading.in.brussels I was curious about the movie actually. And since books are always better than the movie adaptions, I decided to read it. I think I'm still gonna watch the movie though (mostly because of the cast). I'll have to see how the book compares to the movie. 8y
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