11 books in Ocotber, not a lot of them that I loved. My favourites were definitely Bringing Down the Duke and The Faithless Hawk. #monthlyroundup #october2020 #octoberwrapup
11 books in Ocotber, not a lot of them that I loved. My favourites were definitely Bringing Down the Duke and The Faithless Hawk. #monthlyroundup #october2020 #octoberwrapup
Most of October was taken up by an 800+ page space odyssey, but I managed to get at least one spooky read in. My favorite this month was The Exiles!
#monthlywrapup #october2020
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/25 ◼️ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/256683 #listylovw #october2020 #octoberbookspin
So good! 🤘 - This was a quick addition to my TBR because it was an ARC from Library Thing's Early Reviewers I won this October and I like to be able to review those as quickly as possible.
A cozy (and I don't even LIKE these normally...) taking place in Dublin, Ireland.
Feel free to read my full looong review - in which I talk on an on and on, another thing I don't normally do 😜 - on Library Thing!
So entertaining, so atmospheric - 5***** ⬇
I've had this on my bookshelf for so long it's annoying... Let's do this 🧐🧐🧐🧐🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#thewomaninthewindow #ajfinn #harpercollins #harpercollinspublishers #carolreadsalot88 #bookstagram #biblio #bibliophile #books #october2020 #october2020tbr #goodreads #mystery #thriller #suspense
#MonthlyStats #OctoberStats #October2020
Total Pages: 1609
Average Pages per Day: 53.63
Books Read From: 7
Books Finished: 4
DNF/Bail: 1
Comics Finished: 15
Days I Read Something: 25 out of 30
Lots of fiction and nonfiction this month...a little less contemporary political though, I‘m thinking real life politics will be more than enough this month and as we get later in the month I‘m planning on needing more escapism fiction.🤔