And just like that it‘s #myfavoritetimeofyear
And just like that it‘s #myfavoritetimeofyear
I‘m definitely an early bird this year for Christmas. As I get older, the seasons start and then are over in a blink of an eye. This year, I‘m hoping to cherish it a tad longer. Little House on the Prairie is my background noise tonight while reading by the fire. #myfavoritetimeofyear
Honestly this is not really #myfavoritetimeofyear but there is something to be said for being basically done with your holiday shopping and having the presents you bought yourself start to arrive. I am a bit behind on #decdays so any of the Bundren males can be considered a #smalltownboy and the tagged book is set in December, about an NHL player and by an author with the last name of Snow all of which says #cold to me.
My daylight is gone 😭 One of my favorite places to read/work is on my back porch ESPECIALLY in this fabulous fall weather! I'm always a little sad when I have to finally give in and go inside. #backporchreading #itsthebest #itsfallyall #myfavoritetimeofyear #lovefall #lovethisweather #perfect
The weather outside is just delightful. The responsible side of me says "fold the laundry." But the bookish side of me says "get outside and read!" Guess who's winning ??☕️? #ilovefall #myfavoritetimeofyear #fallishere #itsfallyall