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First,I‘d like to thank Goodreads for picking me as a winner to receive a copy of this book.Second-I‘ve decided to try really hard to never read the book reviews before I read a book.The reviews on this book almost had me convinced not to read it.I‘m so glad that I took a chance,because I ended up really enjoying it.It‘s a story about growing and leaning.Its about hitting rock bottom and bouncing back.This author did a great job on her first novel

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Because books, the good ones, the ones you hold on to and come back to, they never disappoint. They're the best kind of escape because, instead of leading you away from your-self, they end up circling you back to yourself, nice and easy, helping you see things not just as they are, but as you are too.

The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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My first Erdrich novel. I really enjoyed it. I don‘t mind books that mention the pandemic since it‘s such an important moment in history. Not to mention the impact it has on minority communities & their experiences with the medical community. I always continue to appreciate insights of communities that I know little about. I was a little unsure of the story at first but after a few chapters I flew through the book. #bookspin

Tamra I loved this and Erdrich can be hit and miss. This one and Last Report are favorites. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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I didn‘t review this book right after finishing it, which I always regret…but I regret it even more this time because The Sentence was FABULOUS & I should be doing it justice! The first chapter almost feels like it belongs to a different book (which is a pointed statement about how people change & how they stay the same); if you‘re not feeling it, keep reading. The writing knocked my socks off. First Erdrich for me and it won‘t be the last! 🤩

monalyisha I also desperately want to visit the bookstore featured in the novel (which Erdrich owns & fictionalizes — how much is anyone‘s guess!): https://birchbarkbooks.com/pages/our-story 7mo
Tamra Isn‘t it wonderful?! So distinctive. Her bookshop is lovely - small with a curated selection of Native American authors. (edited) 7mo
monalyisha @Tamra I need to see that Confessional! 7mo
TheKidUpstairs Loved this one, it was one of my favourites last year. 7mo
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The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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A rare B&N shop today! I had to have a paper copy of The Sentence to reread because I enjoyed the audio so much. I read the Forster so long ago I remember nothing and realized it wasn‘t on my shelves to revisit. (Culls happen. 😏) Ceremony has been TBR for quite awhile and Flatlands was an impulse buy, but seems promising. 🤞🏾

Ruthiella Nice! Keeping the book economy moving! 7mo
Tamra @Ruthiella 😊 I like the way you think. 7mo
Leftcoastzen Love your Red Wing! 7mo
jlhammar Fun! Flatlands sounds good - I'd not heard of that one before. 7mo
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The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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“When it turned really cold, I caught the disease of unfixed dread.”

Tamra Loved this book! 7mo
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The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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“Five days after Flora died, she was still coming to the bookstore. I‘m not…strictly rational. How could I be? I sell books. Still, I found the truth of this hard to accept.”

Readergrrl One of my favorite places! 7mo
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The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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It's a coffee and candles kind of reading morning here. Not up to much new stuff today, so just rereading sections of The Sentence.

The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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I can't put in words how much I loved this. At one point my husband asked me what it was about and I said, "Prison; a bookstore; Covid-19; ghosts; Indigenous communities; and George Floyd." Then he laughed because he thought I was just saying random words to mock him. ? Now I'll add trauma/inner demons; systemic oppression; necessary uprisings; balancing harm with benefit; friends/family; shame/regret; and reckoning, to the list. Masterful.

SamAnne Okay, I‘m moving this up,higher on my TBR. Been trying to get to this one for awhile. 8mo
CuriousG @SamAnne it sat on my shelf since the day the paperback version was released. I knew it would be good but just didn't get around to it until now. One of my god-daughters is in an Indigenous Literature course in high-school so I thought I'd read some Erdrich to discuss with her (I've read the whole reading list for her course already.) The course is Canadian authors only but Louise Erdrich is brilliant, so I'm bringing her to all the kids I know. 8mo
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Thoughtful and sweet graphic memoir. Kirby recounts his experience marrying his longtime partner in 2013 following the legalization of same-sex marriage in Minnesota.