Another #middlefiction read for #RSO. Animals stories are not my favourite, but sometimes you have to read something you have little interest in, #forthejob. #marchrelease2018 #erinhunter #newseries #bravelands #brokenpride
Another #middlefiction read for #RSO. Animals stories are not my favourite, but sometimes you have to read something you have little interest in, #forthejob. #marchrelease2018 #erinhunter #newseries #bravelands #brokenpride
This quite old novel looks like getting a #marchrelease2018 here in Oz. Orphans, maidens and some shenanigans. Hmm, let‘s see how it goes. Not sure about this cover. #historical #middlefiction #currentlyreading #rso
In the interests of accuracy (& transparency?), I bailed on this after a few chapters. Not my thing. #marchrelease2018 #preview #rso
My last read was very short. This next one appears to be over 500 pages. Hard to judge when it‘s electronic. Also making an appearance, my brand new shiny iPad, and new specs. #currentlyreading #intranslation #marchrelease2018 #rso #middlefiction #fantasy #adventure #magic
Whipped through this 2011 verse novel that appears to be getting a (international?) re-release be #Bloomsbury. Easy to read, thoughtful story about accepting yourself for who you are. Nice family depiction. Maybe a little too short, but some kids would appreciate its directness and sporty plot. #middlefiction #marchrelease2018 #rso #weneeddiversebooks
Made my choice. #currentlyreading #marchrelease2018 #griefloss #yaliterature
My #currentread is a #netgalley #preview so without any pretty, I am putting my kindle under my Xmas tree 🌲 with the presents. Already up to chapter 6, and Jenny McLachlan has me smiling and happy at Annie, this confident, go-getter of a character. #marchrelease2018 #rso #ukya #yaliterature
#currentlyreading #marchrelease2018 #yaliterature The format of this story is what I believe is called 'oral history'. Never heard of it. It might be the author came up with it herself. Anyway, thought it seemed difficult (dare I say, tedious?) but 15 pages in, I have snorted 5 times already. So am declaring my love 😍 for it..
#currentlyreading #marchrelease2018 #rso #loveozya This author lives in country Victoria, so she writes rural kids really well. The plot of this mystery thriller involves an off-the-grid community who reject modern life and are Eco-warriors. So I included these small jars of seeds that were handed out at my niece's wedding with a plea from her groom that we plant more Australian natives. Such an idealist. #metoo #conservation #greeny