How interesting that in Hungarian we actually call it röntgen instead of X-ray. It's like for blood pressure we use the abbreviation RR after Riva-Rocci (easy to confuse with respiratory rate if your brain is half English 😄)
How interesting that in Hungarian we actually call it röntgen instead of X-ray. It's like for blood pressure we use the abbreviation RR after Riva-Rocci (easy to confuse with respiratory rate if your brain is half English 😄)
Once you read the first third of this book, you‘ve read it all. With a promising start - an exciting story of Herr Hoffman developing LSD, but like a bad trip this story lingered on with the despair of Joanie and Fitz, a psychologist who is a grad student , that take the “sacrament” in hopes of achieving second light. There is communal living and a cultish drug house masquerading “research” with their tripping to achieve group consciousness.
Bookclub read for August. I have a hard time with this one. It is not the writing, but after about a hundred pages I still haven‘t found any characters I like in this novel 😳. Good thing that I usually read more than one book at a time- I need to find something joyful to balance out my self-inflicted drag on this one.
I didn‘t particularly like this book, but I found it written in an interesting way that worked well on audio. I was intrigued enough to look up more about Kesey and the 2011 documentary using some of the Merry Pranksters‘ video footage. I‘m slightly more interested in reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo‘s Nest with this background on the author but still baffled by the idea of a continuous acid trip road trip and parties offering basically free LSD.
This is a strange book, another one I probably never would have picked up without the 1001 list, but at the same time I‘m somewhat intrigued by hearing their crazy escapades. So, in that respect, listening to the audio while I‘m doing other things, like walking in this winter wonderland, is perfect.
#1001books #audiobook
Maybe if the library had this one on audio…? But I just can‘t settle into the rhythm of the writing. And I am interested in the concept here, but when the thing I like most about a book is the cover it really isn‘t worth my time.
So so mind-blowing. Like Chasing the Scream but for psychedelics. About time I had a good history lesson on psychedelics in America. His ability to put ineffable feelings into language is pretty impressive. Definitely plan on rereading sometime in the near future.
#Wardens2023 #RushAThon #Scarathlon #MagicalMonsters #BookSpinBingo #OutstandingOctober
Very interesting & informative. A re-read is possible❤️🔥
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#Wardens2023 #RushAThon #Scarathlon #MagicalMonsters #BookSpinBingo
Next up to #FeedMyBrain 🎧📖 #ImpulseRead
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