They way this story unfolded was interesting. It is a look at the struggle to be free and what that ultimately means. But it also shines a spotlight on the nature of mankind, and the struggles with power and corruption that seem to plague humans. Overall I liked it. It did leave me with questions about what happens going forward with certain characters.
I‘m so excited for this month! #BingoBoard
#BookSpin 19 and #Roll100 5 - Malafrena by Ursula K Le Guin
#DoubleSpin 3 and #LMPBC - Travelers Along the Way by Aminah Mae Safi
#Roll100 28 - Death at Rottingdean by Robin Paige
New episode is out! We head into the New Year with a full head of steam. We review the subtly wonderful Ursula K Le Guin's The Beginning Place and choose a book to read for January. The slate of potential reads was very strong (almost too strong) and we left some good candidates on the cutting room floor. Enjoy!
#3books I haven‘t read but should
These are the 3 oldest books on my GR TBR. I joined GR in January of 2008. 12 years. It‘s time. 😂
While The Beginning Place is not without its problems with the gendered tropes of male hero and female help, I appreciated its value in telling a story about creating a life, a relationship, and a worldview different from those you inherit.
“If my circumstances were a wall, then there was a secret door in the wall and the door was a book. Open it.” —Jeanette Winterson
“Well, the secret to writing is writing. Writing is how you be a writer. It‘s only a secret to people who really don‘t want to hear it.”
Ursula K. Le Guin is, as always in her writing about writing, hilarious. 😆