Tucked under covers with Ramses and Sabrina. Of course they have to share my side of the bed. 😂 Of course I wouldn't have it any other way though. #dogmom #lazysaturday #readingnirvana
Tucked under covers with Ramses and Sabrina. Of course they have to share my side of the bed. 😂 Of course I wouldn't have it any other way though. #dogmom #lazysaturday #readingnirvana
The hubby is sick this weekend (had a fever last night and a slight fever this morning). So I‘m taking care of him and in between reading.
Of course because I have a free weekend to read I can‘t settle on a book! Not sure what I‘m in the mood for. I‘m going to read a chapter of each book and see which one sticks.
I feel like I could for a mystery or a fantasy. I just need a break from any book about any war!
#SaturdayReads #LazySaturday
Time to travel to Ireland... I love when the story takes place in a different country... I learn soooo much through reading.... Maybe one day I will visit Ireland 🤷🏻♀️....
#love&luck #jennaevanswelch #lazysaturday #turningsomepages #letsseewhsinireland #whynot #bookswag #readingtakesmeplaces
Happy Saturday!
I might just stay on the couch watching trash TV and reading all day. The machines are taking care of the bulk of the housework for me so I'm justified in my laziness 😂
But first....Grey's!!!
#LazySaturday #Caraval #BookandTV #GreysAnatomyDay
Say hello to my #LazySaturday starter pack!
My foot and calf swelled up today, so I'm not doing much moving around, just enjoying some King, a bit of ice cream, and also finally catching up on The Magicians.
Pretty sure I read faster on the Kindle than in print. Anyone else feel the same way? #LazySaturday
"Saphira spared a quick glance around to make sure that partner-of-her-heart-and-mind-Eragon was nowhere near the black-shrike-thorn-cave. She did not want to hurt him by accident in the fight that was about to take place. He was a fierce hunter, but he was small and easily squished."
#Reading #Inheritance #Dragons #Books #InheritanceCycle #Paolini #Saphira #Eragon #BookQuotes #LazySaturday