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I tried to get #EleanorOliphant, the next #litsybuddyread, at the library, and of course every edition has long hold lists. BUT, what did I find just sitting on the shelf waiting to be borrowed? TWO large-print editions! How does that happen? Why no love for the large print? My (apparently old) eyes are saying, "Thank you! No readers needed for this one!" (Also, these caramel apple Hershey chocolates are my life this season!) #LargePrintForLife

EvieBee And it‘s just as pretty! My problem with LP is that the covers always look simple and different from the original. 7y
Jess7 Excited to have you join us! 🤗🤗🤗 7y
TheWordJar @EvieBee I didn't know that LP covers were sometimes different! If I was going to purchase a copy, I'd probably stick with the regular version. 7y
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Things that are better than casually keeping up with popular reads- keeping up with them for a class! Non-fiction is a genre I rarely interact with, and Larson's too-personal narration unfortunately reminds me why— it comes off as a confusing amalgamation of novel and historic treatise. But this story is nothing if not engaging and I'm eager to see where it goes. Also #largeprintforlife 🙌🏼

bibliobets Same feels for this one. 8y
elle.noel @bibliobets I feel like my opinion is already colored by the narration tic but I'm kind of glad for the excuse to read this anyway. Always good exercise to tear a book apart haha 8y
bibliobets @elle.noel I feel like he was trying to do too much. Like there are two stories going on here and I don't necessarily think they needed to be told at the same time. (I seriously miss lit crit, not too much of that in library school) 8y
elle.noel @bibliobets same, too many databases not enough book talk 8y
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