“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Who will watch the watchers?” #Surveillance #QuotsyAug18
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Who will watch the watchers?” #Surveillance #QuotsyAug18
What a marvellous book. Ms Haynes writes with such insight, clarity and enthusiasm about the enduring appeal and relevance of Classical Greek and Latin literature. See my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15133051-the-ancient-guide-to-modern-life. #nataliehaynes, #theancientguidetomodernlife #classicalliterature #latin #ancientgreek #philosophy #literature #juvenal #satire #comedy #tragedy #enduringappeal #non-fiction
I have enjoyed Natalie Haynes‘s ‘The Ancient Guide to Modern Life‘ so much that I have decided to revisit Juvenal‘s Satires, which I remember grappling with in the original Latin forty odd years ago at school. #nataliehaynes #theancientguidetomodernlife #juvenal #satires #classics #literature #latin #i💙nataliehaynes