Something I found used in California and have been paging through
Something I found used in California and have been paging through
This could have been a really interesting spiritual successor (at the time) to Homer, but this read more like Roman Empire propaganda than an original work.
Virgil does have *some* original ideas and portrayals of the characters and events in the overall story, but it still feels like you're better off reading the Iliad and the Odyssey.
I'm probably more interested in this book as an artifact than for its contents, which were, nonetheless, interesting.
I picked up this 1901 edition in Durham, and the beautiful inscription shows that it was held by the St. Cuthbert's Society at the university. I can't quite make out the signature, but it looks like J. D. Hall, perhaps.
It was published jointly in Dublin & London, the little bookbinder's sticker suggesting this one was printed ⬇️
This book holds a special place in my heart. It got me through the difficult time of when my father was dying. I‘m not sure how I would have been able to cope without it.
“There is in fact no way of correcting wrongdoing in those who think that the height of virtue consists in the execution of their will.”
"Sovereign power is nothing if it does not care for the welfare of others, and...it is the task of a good ruler to keep his power in check, to resist the passions of unbridled desire and implacable rage."
#SundayFunday @bookmarktavern
definitely with something in mind, I can't browse, it's no good for me, 😂 😂 if I did, I'd come out with the whole store .
Mind you, that doesn't work either, I have 3 translations of The Aeneid, and let's not even get to how many versions of Frankenstein or Romo and Juliet I have - ummm, 7 for the first and 5 for the second, so yeah, no browsing for me 😂