#currentlyreading #preview for 🇦🇺 #julyrso2020 #diversity #ownvoices #nativeamericanindians #romance #racism #digital
#currentlyreading #preview #julyrso2020 #singingsongwriting #romance #summernovel #musicfestivals Sometimes it‘s hard to read these YA books in the middle of the #coronavirus. Go to a music festival and squash in with thousands of others? #yeahnah
Quite enjoying this rocking, becoming a pop star #lgbt #loveozya #preview novel. #currentlyreading #julyrso2020 #ampersandwinner #hardiegrantegmont
My print copies of uncorrected proofs arrived yesterday. These are set to be released in 🇦🇺 during July. Adds to my selection of digital ARCs. And yes, school was weird, but busy and some of my girls were engaging, so once the internet catches up and lets them work, it should be all right (yeah yeah). #preview #julyrso2020 #coronavirusblues