Enjoying #Jackaby by #WilliamRitter right in my ears to focus on work. 🎧 Whimsical fantasy mystery, quite unexpectedly delightful! (And such a pretty teal cover!) 💙
#libby #audiobooks #borrowedbooks #fantasy #judgedbythecover
Enjoying #Jackaby by #WilliamRitter right in my ears to focus on work. 🎧 Whimsical fantasy mystery, quite unexpectedly delightful! (And such a pretty teal cover!) 💙
#libby #audiobooks #borrowedbooks #fantasy #judgedbythecover
Working my way through all my library books as my bookshelves are now all packed for our move! #lovethecover #judgedbythecover
This just wasn't a good fit for me. When I read fiction, I enjoy connecting with characters, and Olivia just wasn't developed enough for her decisions to make sense to me. The plot frustrated me because everything was just a little TOO convenient. I didn't fully finish this one, but I came close so I won't mark it as DNF.
#animalonthecover for #aroundtheyearin52books
#judgedbythecover for #litsyreadingchallenge
#lettero for #litsyatoz
Switching gears from heavy memoirs to the first book of a creepy fiction series. This series comes highly recommended from my previous coworkers, and it's a heavy hitter for my yearly challenges. I have high hopes for this one!
#animalonthecover for #aroundtheyearin52books
#judgedbythecover for #litsyreadingchallenge2017 #litsyreadingchallenge
#lettero for #litsyatoz
Can you tell I like Anne Perry? This counts for two because I started reading this series based on the cover of one book. #marchintoreading #happyreads #judgedbythecover
The cover from all sides. @vivastory Pretty neat, right! 😁
I have a terrible habit of buying cheap ebooks that I have #judgedbythecover and then never getting around to reading them 😢 #marchintoreading
#judgedbythecover #marchintoreading I've read most of these before buying them in these editions, but I am a sucker for a beautiful binding.
I just recently picked up this book a few weeks ago based solely on the cover! #judgedbythecover #marchintorreading
I'm judging from this cover that this book is ridiculously awesome. I have to stock the Little Free Library for the university I work at and this was a donation. Maybe I should keep it for myself? #judgedbythecover #marchintoreading #judgedbyitscover