How unhappy does one have to be before living seems worse than dying?
How unhappy does one have to be before living seems worse than dying?
This was strangely hard going (it took me a year to finish) and I'm not sure why. It's written in a conversational style which would normally make it an easy read, but I found it a little grating after a while. Fair play to Hooky, he's honest, even when that means he comes across as a grumpy childish dickhead.
#bizarrelovetriangle #redroseseptember
A triangle of Hooky. Hubby‘s band featured on a New Order tribute album and they were invited to play at a club in London. Hooky turned up to meet the bands! He‘s a good un, they‘ve sadly torn the band apart now ☹️
An interesting read with some amusing anecdotes about one of the most iconic clubs of the early 90s. Littered with grammatical errors and more of a memoir from ‘Hooky‘ than a clear account of what actually happened at the club though.
A must read! It destroys the myth of Ian Curtis and turns him into an actual human being. It‘s a very powerful and short read. It can get tough when it gets to his demise but I think it‘s an important read.
Officially signed up for Dewey‘s 24 Hour #Readathon! WhooHoo! 🎉 sign up here
If by "party people" you mean "people reading books."
Did it. Finally. Completed a readathon. Now I never have to do it again! I MIGHT. But probably not.
Hello!! I really loved participating in the recent readathon hosted by @24in48
Just wanted to take a minute and direct you to my blog entry about the recent #24in48 read a thon, now that I have been able to get internet restored to post it haha