Hey Vanity, this vials empty and so are you.
Hey Vanity, this vials empty and so are you.
My favourite, and I love the ambiguity over the interpretation (I rarely agree with historians when it comes to most topics on literature and poetry, and this time is no different) 🤍🤎.
#waltwhitman #poetry #charlesbukowski #leavesofgrass #marktwain #bukowski #jackkerouac #literature #pabloneruda #books #quotes #whitman #shakespeare #poesia #poetrycommunity #love #ernesthemingway #poem #albertcamus #aldoushuxley #booklover #nature #book #art
But this is all speculation, mediation, nay, emasculation...I find in you a kindred absorption with identity, dramatic meaning, classic unity, and immortality: you pace a stage, yet sit in the boxes and watch. You seek identity in the midst of indistinguishable chaos, in sprawling nameless reality. Like myself, you deserve the Adlerian verdict...He who seeks all knowledge, and then all life and all power...He is egocentric. How paltry is the def.
Happy 100th Birthday, Jack Kerouac! Kerouac receives a lot of slack now for being a dudebro writer & while some of the criticism is fair, it would be incredibly disingenuous of me to not acknowledge the role that he played in my reading life. Reading on the Road when I was 18 was a rite of passage & there are certain exuberant passages that I still vividly recall. More than OTR, I was intrigued & haunted by the mysterious figure of Dr. Sax.👇
Who am I fooling? I quit.
I don‘t like it. I don‘t like most of the writing style. I don‘t like the narration. I don‘t like the personnel.
I can‘t relate.
I‘m narrow-minded and spoilt. 🤷🏽♀️
I‘m on the brink of bailing. I just can‘t figure out which of my traits is the problem. Am I too old❓Too stuffy❓ Jack hardly left Denver – and I‘m so annoyed. 🙄 They stray around, drinking and screwing things up (like drunk teens usually do) and in between the reader finds a “gem-ish” sentence.
And that‘s all❓ For the next 300 pages❓ For me, that‘s not “the road” or “awakening”, it‘s the story of a time only those involved find life changing.
A friend recommended this to me after I asked him for some all time favourites.
I‘m not sure if I‘m prepared for this. I expect something like “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” – which _absolutely_ wasn‘t my cup of tea. (We only watched the movie, but still. “Needless and a waste of money” was what I said during the closing titles. 🤷🏽♀️)
I hope this one will be different. Lighter. Less dark.
So, let‘s go. I won‘t know, if I don‘t start.
The book was pretty good as I recall , I read it in 2009 . Nobody stuck with Jack for long , bad behavior in the name of freedom can get tired day to day. my dysfunctional book fascinations will always include the beats.( NY Times)