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Ashes on the Waves | Mary Lindsey
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A young couple‘s love is put to the test when mythical Otherworlders make a wager, testing the strength of their bond through a series of cruel obstacles. Based on Edgar Allan Poe‘s “Annabel Lee”.


#TitlesAndTunes #IslandVibe

BarbaraBB Five stars, wow! 12mo
Cinfhen Hope you‘re joining us for June… #GuiltyPleasure 🤩 12mo
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The Kingdoms | Natasha Pulley
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I got this book as an ARC and just thought it sounded interesting, but I wouldn't have guessed I would love it that much as I did. What a great new take on time travelling! What a world building and what a thoroughly planned plot! Not easy to follow and sure even better when read a second time. Wow!❤️

#TitlesandTunes #IslandVibe
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen Wonderful 😁so glad you enjoyed you‘re pick 12mo
Jari-chan @Cinfhen Thank you 😊 I'm so happy I finally read it 🤭 12mo
Cinfhen I‘m also really glad I had an opportunity to read a book that was sitting on my TBR for ages! 12mo
Jari-chan @Cinfhen that's the great thing about challenges like this - they make you read the hidden treasures in your shelf 🥰 12mo
Cinfhen So true! 12mo
32 likes5 comments
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Why is LoTF a great novel? Many will point to the symbolic aspects - how the tensions that emerge from the society of the boys mirror the wider world's lusts for power and violence. But for me, that's all icing, and the novel's true appeal is in how it handles the drama among its three leads. Their boyhood felt authentic to me - as they attempt leadership, they also battle fear and indecisiveness, and the suspense builds to unnerving levels.

Cinfhen Love your photo and thoughtful review! 12mo
Billypar @Cinfhen Thanks! 🙂 12mo
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A Small Place | Jamaica Kincaid
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My #IslandVibe #TitlesAndTunes selection is so good and eye opening. Kincaid writes a critique of #Antigua and those who colonized the small island and how that colonization has shaped it. This is a memoir, so it‘s a very personal examination. One can feel her emotions. It‘s a must read. #ReadTheAmericas2023 #192025 #1988

BarbaraBB Wow, fabulous review and definitely stacking! 12mo
Daisey This is currently available on Hoopla. I think I‘ll give it a listen today. Thanks! 12mo
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Librarybelle Hope you enjoy, @BarbaraBB @Daisey ! It is less than 100 pages, so very quick read, but also very contemplative. 12mo
Cinfhen I read a Kincaid too….SOOO GOOD 12mo
Librarybelle I definitely plan to read more by her, @Cinfhen ! 12mo
Cinfhen I have a feeling Annie John is the fictional sister to the book you read ☺️ 12mo
Librarybelle @Cinfhen Sounds good! 12mo
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The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexandre Dumas
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Okay, maybe not the cheeriest of #islandvibe books, but the song really works for it 👹
#TitlesandTunes @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen Woohoo!! The Stones making our first playlist 🤘 12mo
BarbaraBB Love both! Thanks for adding! 12mo
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The Memory Police | Yōko Ogawa
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I love that this book brought up questions but didn‘t provide answers; it‘s been a while since I‘ve read a book that allows a lot of room for interpretation and it had me thinking even long after I‘d finished it. I liked the writing, the characters, the atmosphere - glad to have finally read it! #titlesandtunes #islandvibe

Cinfhen Agreed, this was a memorable book 🫶🏼 12mo
BarbaraBB Happy you found a reason to read it in #IslandVibe! It‘s such a good read! 12mo
TrishB I read this one too for island- I thought it was great. 12mo
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#IslandVibe #Titlesandtunes
I was never assigned Lord of the Flies in school, but it's been a long-time resident on my shelf and one I'd been interested in trying. So this month's prompt is a great excuse, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I just finished the scene where they're feasting on pig meat, so I thought Jimmy Buffett's 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' might be a fitting song pairing (even if a hotdog theme would be even closer 🌭 🏝).

Leftcoastzen 👏😄 12mo
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BarbaraBB Glad you found a reason to read Lord of the Flies, it‘s worth it! And I love the song you chose 🤣 12mo
LeahBergen I read this in grade nine and loved it! 12mo
vivastory I really enjoyed this one when I read it a couple of years ago and find myself thinking about it often 12mo
Cinfhen So glad you found the opportunity to pick up this book!! Fantastic pairing 💙🐷 12mo
batsy I loved this when I read it long ago! I've been scared to reread it because it was kind of like entering a particular world at the right time and you don't know if that world will stay the same when you go back 🙂 I hope you like it; you and I have the same theme for #IslandVibes because I read this one which I also recommend if you like Flies (though A High Wind is more sophisticated) 12mo
Suet624 Read this for school and it put me off reading books. Such cruelty. 12mo
Liz_M Another good continuation of the theme (and was written in reaction to LotF, I think?) is the tagged: 12mo
Billypar @BarbaraBB Me too! The song checks the island and carnivore boxes but may be just a bit off tonally for the material - not sure it would fit on a LoTF film soundtrack 😅 12mo
Billypar @LeahBergen With all of the questionable selections in the high school canon, this one seems like a better choice than most! 12mo
Billypar @vivastory It's got such an intensity right from the start - I can definitely see it sticking with you. 12mo
Billypar @Cinfhen I realized that the last one I just finished also took place on an island but definitely no island vibes in 19th century Sicily, lol (edited) 12mo
Billypar @batsy I have so many old favorites in that category - I'd love to revisit them but fear disappointment. I remember considering A High Wind in Jamaica when I was trying to find possible picks for the nyrb club - I'll definitely have to check it out! 12mo
Billypar @Suet624 I could see that! In most books, I think the leader would be more heroic and stick up for the boy getting picked on, but he's just another bully. 12mo
Billypar @Liz_M That's quite a title - I stacked it. I like it when authors respond to a past novel but do more than just a simple retelling or modern update. 12mo
Rissreads This book is one of my favourites! I read it at school then reread it not long ago. I‘m glad I did as there was so much I had forgotten. (edited) 12mo
Billypar @Rissreads I honestly never realized how many people loved this book - I probably would have picked it up sooner if I had! 12mo
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Islands | Peggy Frew
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The story of a broken marriage & the long term impacts on the children. Unfortunately the telling is so disjointed that it made little emotional impact on me beyond general sadness. I think the #IslandVibe here is the isolation of the characters & maybe the structure of the story - anecdotes across time & character like a scattered chain of islands across the sea. Or it‘s just that they spent summer holidays on Phillip Island 🤷🏻‍♀️ #ozfiction

Cinfhen Lovely, thoughtful review💘sorry the book didn‘t sway you 12mo
squirrelbrain Love the cover though! 🤷‍♀️ 12mo
thegreensofa You hit the nail on the head with disjointed/Philip Island interpretation, that helps to try and understand it, looking back. 🫨 I agree! 12mo
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The Unhoneymooners | Christina Lauren
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This was my first Christina Lauren book and I liked it! It was fun and engaging. It had enemy to lovers and Hawaii. Though there wasn't many details about the setting, the places that were mentioned made my heart warm since I was there too. I do admit that the whole situation with the brother did make me lose a little love for this book. BUT... overall I enjoyed it.

#islandvibe #titlesandtunes
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

vonnie862 Tune: Hawái by Maluma 12mo
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