I can't believe Buffy premiered 20 years ago today! This show meant a lot to me and it was the first (of very few) shows that I watched from start to finish in real time! Thanks for the memories BTVS! I think I'll do a mini marathon tonight and tomorrow 😁#buffyslays20 #btvs #buffyforever #buffythevampireslayer #ifeelsooldnow #butimokwiththat
Beckys_Books What?!? That was 20 years ago? 8y
ReadingSusan I can't believe that 😱 So crazy. Have you ever listened to the Dusted podcast? I love it. 8y
BekahB I watched it start to finish when it originally aired too! I loved it from the first episode. I remember that it aired on nights I had marching band practice and I would use my band director's office phone to call my parents to make sure the VCR was recording. 😄 8y
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TheKidUpstairs 20 years?!?! I feel old. Love Buffy with all my heart. Favourite episode(s)? 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I was in grad school for part of it and the professor I was a TA for knew not to call when it was on. 8y
Jhullie Real vampires don't sparkle...and they have a sexy British accent 😉 8y
Dragon My friends and I would endlessly discuss Buffy. I will admit to owning the entire series on DVD. Just found out it's on Netflix 👍 8y
Eyelit @ReadingSusan - I'll have to check that out, thanks!! 8y
Eyelit @TheKidUpstairs - right?!? I have a fave episode for every season - but not one overall fave. It's too hard to narrow down! 😄 8y
Eyelit @jpmcwisemorgan ha! That's awesome! My first year of college I was so afraid I wasn't going to to get my Buffy fix - but it turned out my roommate and the girl next door were also fans so we started a Buffy watch group that got together weekly. It was the best! If we couldn't watch in the common room, my roommates mum would record and send a tape 😄 8y
Eyelit @Dragon I have the series on DVD too - I stayed up super late years ago so I could get it on sale through a gold box special on Amazon. No regrets. (though I admit to streaming it through Netflix as well) 8y
Eyelit @Jhullie you got that right! 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I think it's going off Netflix in April. I may have to look into getting the DVDs someday... 8y
Eyelit @jpmcwisemorgan bummer on Netflix! At least APL has the Dvd's - so there is that (edited) 8y
jpmcwisemorgan Don't tell me that! I'm going to need to move into the library. 8y
ReadingSusan @TheKidUpstairs Once More With Feeling and Hush are two of my favorites! 8y
TheKidUpstairs @ReadingSusan Two fantastic choices! Two I'd my faves as well. I would also add The Body to that list. And I've always loved Tabula Rasa, mainly for the comedic element of seeing Giles and Spike play father/son 😁 8y
ReadingSusan @TheKidUpstairs oh yes I love those two. I always enjoy the funny alternate reality episodes too. Like the musical episode and Something Blue. 8y