Chapter 18 of HP and the Deathly Hallows for #hochapteraday. Really hard part for Harry. Wand broken, Ron gone, and now he's relying on Rita Skeeter for info about Dumbledore. @hpchapteraday
There were many ways to go with this chapter. I googled 'here lies Dobby a free elf', 'dobby's funeral', 'the wand chooses the wizard', and eventually settled on something from 'the elder wand', because of the theme of #choice. I cried for Dobby, and admire his decision to always help Harry. Both Griphook and Ollivander had no option but to aid who-know-who, and Harry's instinct to NOT follow Voldy is brave.
#hochapteraday #bookseven #dh
Chapter 18 of HP and the Deathly Hallows for #hochapteraday. Really hard part for Harry. Wand broken, Ron gone, and now he's relying on Rita Skeeter for info about Dumbledore. @hpchapteraday
I loved seeing Harry have some success, but it does take some serious magic to make it happen. Poor Harry, he needs so much help to get this done. Slughorn never really redeems himself in my eyes. Even now, he benefits.
#hochapteraday #booksix #hbp #chaptertwentytwo #aftertheburial #opportunity
The manipulation is evident on many levels - Fudge, who called a full court, and who is desperate to discredit Harry's claims. Dumbledore, who neatly counters every one of Fudge's points, each of his denials, and all of his ridiculous fumbling and bumbling.... Mrs Figg, doing her best, and the introduction of Umbridge.
#hochapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chapterseven #thehearing #manipulation
I know I should talk about that death, but I really want to focus on Harry's desperate and agonisingly real pleas that the spell being performed fails. It rings true to me. He's powerless, so all he can do is hope for the worst. Of course, that would be too easy.
Really tough chapter to read, to absorb, to process.
#hochapteraday #bookfour #chapterthirtytwo #fleshbloodandbone #death
I didn't have time to post yesterday but here's #chapter13 for #hochapteraday #hope! Thankfully, the trio didn't give up hope on finding out who Nicolas Flamel was and they finally triumphed when Neville gave Harry his chocolate frog card. Plus, Harry has hope that he's a good Quidditch player and that people will respect him for him rather than just his name. And Neville gets some hope from Harry that he can face down Malfoy and his bullies.