I read this years ago; so it seemed fitting to tie to this final bday post. For #GypsyKatsBirthdayWeek, I shared some pics of a few bday cakes my mum has made my daughters over the years. Everyone seemed to like them which made me want to share this year's. Two things you should know:
1. My dd ❤️s hippos and has since she was a baby.
2. My mum made the cake for her bday even though we're clear around the world and can't eat it. ☺️
#gypsykatsbirthdayweek #makeawish
Two wish titles from my tbr for @GypsyKat
Thanks for sharing your birthday week with me!
I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who participated in my birthday week photo challenge! I had such a great time seeing all of your creative and thoughtful posts! It really helped make this week feel even more special. I've said it before, but this community is wonderful. I'm so thankful for my Litsy family! 💗💗💗