#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords @CBee
To find a worthier definition of the word SUBLIME, here's a link: https://shorturl.at/x9St5
#weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords @CBee
To find a worthier definition of the word SUBLIME, here's a link: https://shorturl.at/x9St5
The Haddesleys are an old family that has a compact with the bog they live on: they take care of the land and the bog will provide the eldest male nd heir with a wife. But now the family home is in disrepair and the heir, well, he isn't so into the bog.
I felt a general sense of unease and uncomfortableness while reading and I mean that in the best way. Plus bog. We know how I feel about bogs.
Ch 2.7: more drama in a shorter chapter! #emilyseesapaintingoftheoriginalowner #shesworriedthatmacaroniisdangerous #macaronieantsauntiesmoney #becauseheisbroke #karmaforauntie #sheisnotprotectingemily #creeperseverywhere #macaronitellsthestoryoftheladyinthepainting #assumeddeadbysuicide #nobody #strangevoiceintheroom 👻👻👻 #isthischicklivinginthewalls 😳 #thatwouldbeamazing #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#Two4Tuesday is my fav question, thanks @TheSpineView
1/ I tend to plan ahead what I read, one of my favourite things is lining up future reads.
2/ I'm going to go for the #currentread for #hashtagbrigade, this one didn't go to plan, it took me 5 months to read and I was sure when I finished I'd think never again but no, it's left an impression and I would definitely read again, next time I'm hoping it doesn't take this long.
Ch 2.6: omg endless chapter! #emilysroomiscreepy #someoneboltedthebackdoor #timetocheckthatpainting :::faints::: #omgscariestthingever ::::swoons:::: #wtfisit #tellllllme #shetriestotellauntie #changeshermind #weepsalittle #takesawalk #themacaronigangarrives #stillnocount #letsfaintanyway #somuchbetterthancrying #bedtime #thecountarrives #swoon 👻👻👻 #butno #itsthefreakingcount #inemilysroom #macaronisoldemilytohim #thenchangedhidmind ⬇️⬇️⬇️
@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag! 💛🤎🧡)
1. I love to plan and make lists. Actually performing the lists, though ... well, that's another story entirely. 😂
2. If you want to read an early Gothic novel where everything (at least so far) just happens to our heroine while she weeps unendingly, then this is the book for you! 😄
If you read all of this, you're 🔖!
#EdgarAllanPoe #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #bookbloggers #bookbackpack
Ch 13: so.much.crying. #whoa #somuchhappened #auntiesaysemilycanmarryV #becauseitwouldmakeauntiepopular #obviously #butwait #youknowwhatsbetter #auntieusesthedecorforemilysweddingonherself #becausesheeloped #withmacaroni #yesiknowthatsnothisname #macaronisaysemilycantmarryV #muchcrying #manyletters #mostlyunread #vandemilymeetinthegarden #VWantstoelope #saysmacaroniisbad #emilysaysno #morecrying #morecrying #morecrying #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
This was my first experience reading Dracula in “real time,” on the day each diary entry and letter was written. It‘s the cool & creative idea of Matt Kirkland who rearranged the original book in strict chronological order. I already love this epistolary classic, but this reread was particularly fun. I kept picturing my favorite movie Draculas-the mesmerizing Bela Lugosi and creepy Gary Oldman in the provocative 1992 film version.