An amusing, twisted, sanguinary, little tale with plenty to say about class, this is a must-read.
An amusing, twisted, sanguinary, little tale with plenty to say about class, this is a must-read.
This book, while dark and definitely gruesome in many parts, was also written really well and was absolutely hilarious throughout most of the book. I read this one in one sitting and I really enjoyed the writing style of the author and how the whole book took on an almost poetic feel due to the descriptions and language that was used. Definitely an amazing horror book, and one I will read again.
“The shade is 'Mummy Brown.' If mummified Egyptians had known they were fated to be pulverized to produce an umber for such a mediocre painter, they surely would have chosen other burial options.“ 😆
“Her left eye wanders, and I wish I were possessed of a compass to determine to which cardinal direction the eye points most often.”
I almost spat out my drink 😂😂😂
I got this book as an ARC in a giveaway and decided to read it