My students responded to this book with audible gasps and sighs of relief. I thought the way the book was made was more interesting than the book.
My students responded to this book with audible gasps and sighs of relief. I thought the way the book was made was more interesting than the book.
3 ⭐ This is a sequel book to Something Wrong. This book is fine. It‘s over long by a lot. One of the characters is one that I think talks to hear themselves speak. But they do it in the guise of helping their friend. That is the important lesson to learn. It also shows that someone can say they‘re fine when they‘re not fine, but at what point is the line of finding out what fine actually means.
Read two Graphic Novels this month. They were cute. I wouldn't mind continuing the story :) #DecemberReCap
Since I'm too sick to do my Vlog, here is my review: This series is wonderful and I absolutely adored the second volume! Planchette is still working to get out the ghosts in her house, Babs and Sun are working things out in faerie land and there's even a wedding! Great story and wonderful cute illustrations.
I wasn‘t expecting a sequel but I happened to spy this on display at the library and just had to bring it home with me. Details of the first volume are a bit hazy but this time Planchette the kitchen witch takes the back seat while her friends Sun and Babs take a turn as the main characters. Like last time, there are ghosts galore and a (murder) mystery (of sorts) is resolved. The vibes are good!
Read this out loud to your kids! And then at the second to the last page ask, wouldn't you like to play here? Turn the page and ask, or here?
Prepare for screams and strong opinions. This is an oodle lover book and more. #dogsoflitsy Beezus recommended #schoolcounselorapproved
To the rest of the world for the Dumpster Fire, I‘m sorry. We tried. But we will try again and again and again…..it‘s worth the fight.
#embarrassment 😳😔
Curious George is always a good choice and Jace agrees with me! Cute illustrations and a good way to start off the month of October. I‘ve been stockpiling Halloween books for Jace and I to read together. 😆
A quote I loved from this book is “Friends are always there for you to lean on.“ I love this because it's so true and really shows children the value of friendship.