Just wanted to share a beautiful view from one of the apartments I clean, the beach views are amazing. 🌞
Just wanted to share a beautiful view from one of the apartments I clean, the beach views are amazing. 🌞
I found another book shop today in Newcastle
The book Greengrocers.
They had a great clearance section outside so I got this chunkster for $4.
I was a bit disappointed in there true crime section but we can't have everything in life.
Started this today at work on audio book.
As I'm in Australia I thought I'd listen and learn about a few Australian serial killer's.
Listened to this this on audio while working.
Not a bad book but the author made it too personal for my liking she should of just kept with the facts of this killer's.
Some beautiful art work in this book
Just started this monster of a audio book 3 book's in 1, 35 hours.