This book actually destroyed me
The year is 2650. Seventy-five years ago, an alien fleet attacked Earth. Without warning. Without mercy. We were not prepared. Hundreds of millions perished. Dozens of cities burned. We nearly lost everything. Then the aliens abruptly left. We rebuilt. We armed ourselves. We swore: never again. But the aliens never came back. Until now...
Definitely insta-love, but sadly I cannot say I'm always above loving books like this. It ended on a note that leads me to read the second book (without a doubt), and I would recommend this to anyone who dabbles in a love for a good old harmless romance.
I‘ve been sitting on this review for a while. I read the 4th book in the series first and liked it enough to try the series from the beginning. This first one though, you can definitely follow the 50 Shades fandom. There was also character mixup, 2 different guys being called Jake, when one was supposed to be Jack but you only knew that if read the series out of order.
Since I liked the 4th book but not the 1st one I‘m giving it a so-so.
So far I‘ve only read her Sinner‘s Tribe MC series and enjoyed them so I thought I‘d read another series by her :)
• Always thought (and still do) these fine gentlemen never got the credit they deserved for fighting so valiantly in our country‘s Second World War 🇺🇸
I know who they are; do YOU? If not, do yourself a favor and research them!
I‘m extending BLACK HISTORY MONTH a little longer because the month wasn‘t long enough •
#bhm #history #Alabama #SouthernGentlemen #patriots #fighters #pilots #Americans