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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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AnneCecilie I know right? That was not what I was expecting 2y
Bookwormjillk I was wondering if I missed the quarrel. #FalseAdvertising 2y
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Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2y
RebelReader What a let down! I was hoping for some fireworks!!! 😕 2y
Bklover I know right!! (Response to hashtags). Plus I am dying for her to just say “DrJohn/Graham, Genevra is a self centered money grabbing superficial twit and you are an idiot.” Then let the quarrel begin!! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover that would have been a much better quarrel! 2y
KristiAhlers @Bklover YES! To all of that! Gah she is the worst (Genevra) 2y
KristiAhlers Yeah I wanted way more from that. Sigh. However if he‘s actively not going to see what and who she is he deserves her. He didn‘t seem so shallow at the beginning of the book. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bklover RIGHT?! I feel like Lucy went about this the worst way possible. She acts like she‘s agreeing with all his praise for Ginevra—at least she doesn‘t argue—and then she goes off and tells him he‘s stupid. Give him specifics so he can recognize them! This way he‘s never going to listen! 2y
suvata @Bklover I couldn‘t have said it better myself. 2y
suvata I think John realizes what Ginevra is all about but, for now, he likes playing her game. I‘m glad that Lucy her feelings off her chest, but I would hardly call that a quarrel. Sheesh 🙄 2y
Bklover @KristiAhlers @Clare-Dragonfly @suvata She drives me nuts! She‘s so passive! (And what is this weird never ending ailment she has?) (edited) 2y
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I was so sad that this collection didn't include any comics with both Deadpool AND Wolverine! #falseadvertising #madface

Kenny Even the cover is them just photoshopped together. That drawing of Deadpool is twenty years old. 7y
lanac That's too bad 7y
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This post is just to vent that this book should be perfect for today's #mapsinbooks task bc it's called MAPS AND LEGENDS but guess what? IT LITERALLY HAS NO MAPS AND ONLY ONE LEGEND. Michael Chabon, you farce. 😱

At least the binding is pretty and the only legend, the acknowledgements, is pretty creative but yet, #falseadvertising.

I sniff indignantly in your direction, Mr. Chabon. 😤😤

#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

Shortstack That's hilarious! What is it about then? 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack It's some personal essays of his. The essays better be about maps and legends! 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist this reminds me of Trout Fishing in America 8y
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PNWBookseller85 Lol. He would. 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Is it about everything except trout fishing in the United States? 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist Side note currently drinking Apothic Dark which now makes me think of you. 🍷 8y
BookishFeminist @BeckyMerilatt Right? Only other person who would pull this is his bestie Dave Eggers, and he's the publisher for it so... Lol 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist pretty much. It's about what America has lost and what it is. It's one of the weirdest books I've read. 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack YES I want some. Hope you're enjoying it! Have a glass for me because I'm out. 😱 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack 😭😭😭 why do authors do this to us 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist I'm guessing because they delight in messing with us? I will definitely have some for you! How have you been by the way? Hope this week is going better for you. I have been so busy I feel out of touch with Litsy lately! 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack You're probably right. Damnit, San Francisco authors, lol. I wish I could report a better week but things have still been a mess for me lately. It can stop anytime. 😒 I feel out of touch with Litsy too! Everyone's been busy, plus Android blew up my feed, lol. How have you been? I hope you're recovering from the flu well!! 8y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist yeah, just trying to get through finals right now. Although even if I get a zero on everything from here, the worst grade I can get is a mid C. So that takes the pressure off. I hope things go better soon!!! I miss #LitsyAfterDark 8y
PNWBookseller85 Ha! Makes sense. 8y
read_diverse_books This is hilarious! What an odd title for a book that doesn't have any maps or legends 8y
KVanRead Hahaha! I support your righteous indignation. Sniffing, though...won't ever be the same after Monday 😂😂😂 8y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack Yes! I need #LitsyAfterDark back for my mental sanity. I hope you're done with finals soon! You deserve the relaxation but I know you'll do as well as you can. :) thankfully you've done well so far so that should take some pressure off 8y
BookishFeminist @read_diverse_books Right? It's a very hipster thing to do 8y
BookishFeminist @KVanRead 😂😂 God, you're right! It was the microphone, Kristine. It was the microphone. #microphonegate 8y
BooksRockMyWorld Haha 😂 8y
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