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“Truth must of necessity be stranger than fiction.“ ~G.K. Chesterton

Read the incredibly strange and surprisingly true story behind the invention of “Old Sparky.“

#limitededition #signed #bloodandvolts #edison #tesla #electricchair #oldsparky #nonfictionbook #americanhistory #history #curioussundries #callousbroadsides #strangerthanfiction

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It's #pubday❗️

An ax murderer, two of the most brilliant scientific minds of the century, billions of dollars in profit, precedent-setting legal battles, and the secrets of life and death — all of these come together in the true story of the first electric chair.


#AvailableNow #NewBooks #TrueCrime #Nonfiction #AmericanHistory #SecondEdition #Revised #Expanded #BloodandVolts #Edison #Tesla #ElectricChair #CapitalPunishment #DeathPenalty

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Don't miss out on the special Limited Edition of Th. Metzger's upcoming book, 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒔❗️

Each hardcover copy is signed and numbered by the author.

#preorder #March1st #LimitedEdition #SignedandNumbered #BloodandVolts #Edison #Tesla #ElectricChair #Nonfiction #bookreview

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@BookwormAHN Your book is on its way home. 😊 Estimated arrival Monday, 7/3.


@Laughterhp @BookishBelle @suvata

BookwormAHN Okay, thanks 😺 1y
Laughterhp Still reading your book, FYI! 1y
robinb @Laughterhp No rush at all. 😊👍 1y
BookwormAHN It's back, thanks. Great round 😺 1y
robinb @BookwormAHN Great! 👍 I really enjoyed all of the books this round! 😊 1y
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I found this fictional story (filled with LOTS of nonfiction facts) fascinating and entertaining. As I was not aware of the Edison/Westinghouse/Tesla backstory, it was quite an eye-opener. The fictional parts of the novel were seamlessly and expertly woven in and made what otherwise might have been a dry, Wikipedia-type book, a page-turner. If you like underdog-to-hero types of stories, this might be right up your alley. Well worth the read. 4/5⭐️

CatLass007 There are so many hashtagged groups on Litsy, I‘d like to know what they are, please. What is #LMPBC ? 1y
Meshell1313 @CatLass007 Hi! It stands for Litsy Markup Postal Book Club. @suvata hosts it if you want to join the next round! You join a group of 4 where everyone picks a book in a similar genre to read. You read your pick and mark it up- notes in margins, thoughts as you go and then mail it to the next person in group. At the end you‘ve all read the same 4 books and it‘s fun to share thoughts as you read in the book. Hope that helps! 1y
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CatLass007 @Meshell1313 Thanks for the info. It sounds like fun. How long is each person given to read a book? I‘m already doing #CampLitsy23 and I really don‘t want to join anymore readalongs or book clubs until summer is over I don‘t think. I don‘t want to get overcommitted or overwhelmed. I have a tendency to do that myself. 1y
robinb @CatLass007 Hi! Sorry I‘m just now getting on and getting back to you. Everyone has a month to read each book before sending it along to the next person. I like that about it as I don‘t feel pressured to finish it right away. I‘ve participated several times now, and I like that you get to be involved in whichever genre appeals to you. Hope that helps. 😊 1y
CatLass007 @robinb Thanks! Maybe I will sign up to #LMPBC. I‘m not sure I can bring myself to write in a book, I haven‘t done that since I was highlighting textbooks in college. 1y
robinb @CatLass007 Here‘s the link for the signup so you can pick whichever genre you‘d like to read. Instructions and sign up here: https://bit.ly/3qEa73B 1y
CatLass007 @Meshell1313 @robinb @suvata I just deleted a post where I requested to be signed up and then I realized I would actually have to buy a book and I can‘t use my Audible credits on print books. Sorry gang. The funds are just not there. 1y
robinb @CatLass007 That‘s OK. I usually go ahead and see what physical books I already have on hand (I read a lot on Kindle). I then pick those with 1y
CatLass007 @robinb Thanks. I‘m actually trying to deaccession my print library now. If something I own on paper is also available in audio, I‘ll take it to the local used book store and exchange it for cash or store credit. I‘ll put the book on my Audible wish list and maybe some day I‘ll add it to my Audible collection. If it‘s not available in audio format, I‘ll keep it. (edited) 1y
robinb @BookishBelle , @Laughterhp , @BookwormAHN It‘s been fun this round with you guys! 💜 And y‘all picked some great books…enjoyed them all. 👍 @BookwormAHN I‘ll mail your book back sometime this next week. As always, @suvata thanks so much for hosting this fun club! 🩵 1y
robinb @CatLass007 good for you! I‘m trying to do that with my Kindle as well. I still keep special books I have in print but am using Kindle more these days. 1y
CatLass007 @robinb I can‘t read e-books. It strains my eyes and causes headaches. Aaaand if I listen to a book I can crochet at the same time. 1y
BookwormAHN Glad you enjoyed it 😺 1y
BookishBelle I enjoyed reading with y‘all too! I‘ll get In Place of Fear in the mail soon! @Laughterhp @BookwormAHN 1y
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Finished this last night! Putting it in the mail today and should be there by 6/12!

This book was very interesting! A bit long at some points and a bit gruesome at times. I never would have picked this up on my own, if it wasn‘t a #LMPBC read.

Don‘t want to say much more, since others still need to read it!

BookwormAHN Lovely flowers and cool vase 🩶 1y
Tamra Gorgeous blooms! 1y
robinb It‘s here! Thanks 😊 1y
Laughterhp @robinb Oh awesome!! 1y
63 likes4 comments

Guinn's book is about some of America's most popular historic figures from the early 20th century, getting together for both pleasure and publicity. His work is a good read and captures well the personalities of Ford, Edison, Firestone, and Burroughs. It also is a good reminder that historic figures are complex - capable of both genius and folly or charity and hate. I recommend this book.

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This ended up being very good but it was slow going in the middle. I‘m glad I persevered even though it took me much longer than it should have. I‘ll be getting this in the mail early next week. My apologies for taking so long! @Laughterhp @robinb @BookwormAHN #LMPBC #GroupH

BookishBelle @Laughterhp I mailed this yesterday. They said it should be there tomorrow. 😊 1y
Laughterhp Okay, great! Thanks!! 1y
paper.reveries This has been on my shelf foreveeerr. Good to know it's good! 1y
BookishBelle @daisyheadmaesie Hi there! Happy to help! I also appreciated that the author tells you at the end what was fact or fiction and how he massaged the timeline for his story to work. 1y
paper.reveries @BookishBelle that's awesome! 1y
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This was a really good book about feud between Westinghouse and Edison, with Tesla over the electric light bulb. It gets dirty at times, but somehow Paul Westinghouse's lawyer keeps his sanity, mostly.
#LMPBC @BookishBelle I mailed it to you on Saturday, so you should have it soon.
@Laughterhp @robinb

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Finally, a week when I'm posting for #manicmonday on Monday 😁 @CBee

📖 The Last Days of Night
✍️ Harper Lee
🎞️ Laggies 📺 The Last Kingdom
🎤 Led Zeppelin
🎵 Lover by Alter Bridge