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Darkly Dreaming Dexter | Jeffry P. Lindsay

#doublespin this was a re-read for me & I stand by my original conclusion that this is a rare case of the tv show being better than the book. But, it was ok, and I will continue with the series!

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 5mo
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Darkly Dreaming Dexter | Jeff Lindsay
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Suzze I have that blood specimen slide. It‘s a bookmark. I managed an indie bookstore when the series started and the bookmark (clear plastic) came with the arc. 5mo
Blueberry @Suzze very cool! 5mo
Eggs Amazing @suzze 5mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 This is the eighth and final book in the Dexter series. The first six books in the series had so much dark humor and I really missed that in the last two. But it‘s still a pick because I‘d hate for Dexter‘s story to end on a sour note.

DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 8mo
CatLass007 @DieAReader Thank you! 8mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 8mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 This is the seventh book in the Dexter series, and it‘s getting a little stale, and maybe Dexter is getting too long-winded. I don‘t think there‘s as much black humor as in previous books and I missed that. The humor was my favorite part of the series. But I‘m still giving this a pick because some momentous things happened. And it‘s also a huge cliffhanger leading into the final book.

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 Not a series or author I know. 8mo
CatLass007 @Andrew65 Have you heard of the Showtime series Dexter? It aired on Prime TV for a while, which is where I watched it. Then they did a follow up series a couple of years ago and it all went back on Showtime. I‘ve never had Showtime.🤷‍♀️ I can‘t finish watching the original series or any of the new series. Dexter is a forensic analyst for the Miami police and also a serial killer who only kills other killers. It sounds strange but it works. 8mo
Andrew65 @CatLass007 Yes I think I‘ve heard of it but never actually seen it. I will explore and see if it is available in the U.K. Thanks for the information. 8mo
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CatLass007 @Andrew65 You‘re welcome. I didn‘t realize you were in the UK. That‘s definitely a reason for you not to have heard of an American tv show. If I were you, I‘d try to read the books (in order) before watching the show. There are a lot of differences between the two but I think some of the roles were exceptionally well cast: Dexter, Deb, Vince in particular. Other characters were changed. Both media are excellent and tell different stories. 8mo
Andrew65 @CatLass007 Although I‘m in the U.K. I‘m sure the series played here thinking of it. Always better to read the books first. 8mo
CatLass007 @Andrew65 I agree that reading the book(s) first is always advisable. 8mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 8mo
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I‘m listening to the seventh and next to last book in the Dexter series. “The Princess Bride” reference was amusing and appreciated. I was quite surprised because I have a tough time imagining Dexter watching such a sweet movie.

Double Dexter | Jeff Lindsay
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#SeriesLove2024 The sixth book in the Dexter series was a bit too long but still enjoyable. Dexter is starting to experience human emotions and he thinks about them too much for my taste.

TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 9mo
CatLass007 @TheSpineView Thank you!! 9mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 9mo
CatLass007 @Andrew65 Thank you!! 9mo
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Double Dexter | Jeff Lindsay
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Starting my third first book of 2024. This one is for #SeriesLove2024.

TheSpineView Enjoy!🤩 9mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
CatLass007 @Andrew65 Thank you. I certainly hope so. (edited) 9mo
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#SeriesLove2024 I finished this in 2023 but I‘m posting my review in 2024. I have one gripe about this. Maybe more than one but this is the only one I can think of. Everyone keeps referring to Debra‘s boyfriend as too old for her, as an old man. For Pete‘s sake! He‘s not even 40!! How old is Debra anyway? She holds the rank of sergeant. Twenty-somethings don‘t get promoted to the rank of sergeant. (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 Okay, rant over. In this book Dexter becomes a daddy. Does he actually grow a soul? I guess if Mazikeen can grow a soul on the TV show Lucifer, why not Dexter in this book series? What goes on inside Dexter‘s mind is still fiendishly funny. The book is a pick and so is the series. (edited) 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 9mo
Andrew65 Well done, a good way to start the year 👏👏👏 9mo
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Dexter by Design | Jeff Lindsay
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Dexter is still wickedly funny, which is the most important reason for me to continue listening. When he stops being funny, I stop listening.

Dexter in the Dark | Jeff Lindsay
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This is the third book in the series and there is a typo in the quote from The New York Times Book Review. That‘s not my review it‘s just me being annoyed. I watched the first six seasons of Dexter when it was streaming on Amazon Prime Video but now it‘s back on Showtime and I can‘t watch the other seasons. I listened to the first book in the series in 2020, but it‘s just this year that I‘ve started listening to the other books. I have to (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 say that what happened to Sergeant Doakes in the TV show was not nearly as horrible as what happened in the books. I‘ve started to notice some annoying things in the books. The books are narrated by the author. Dexter tells his story in the first person and at other times refers to himself as Dexter. He refers to his Dark Passenger as another character. And in this book the Dark Passenger actually becomes a different entity. I don‘t know (cont)⬇️ 9mo
CatLass007 what point the author is trying to make with all his talk of the “elder god,” Molok. When Dexter sees the first two victims, the Dark Passenger becomes terrified and runs away and hides, recognizing that it is the work of a Dark Passenger who is much more old and powerful than Dexter‘s Dark Passenger. So are we really supposed to believe that the other Dark Passenger is the 3,000 year old god Molok? Are we supposed to believe that Dexter (cont)⬇️ 9mo
CatLass007 is possessed by a demon? I enjoy almost every genre there is but when this book goes on a totally different tangent than the first two books, I find myself more than a little annoyed and confused. I‘m still giving this a pick because what‘s going on inside Dexter‘s head is still creepy and darkly humorous. 9mo
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CatLass007 I‘m also noticing that almost every female character has a really nasal voice, except for Rita. Astor and Debra sound exactly alike, nasal and angry. 9mo
Larkken I read this one this year too and agree, some of the wider implications of the Molok thing made me uncomfortable. I did enjoy it while I was listening though, even if it got a little long. And poor Doakes!! 9mo
CatLass007 @Larkken I have all the books in the series, so I‘ve decided to run through them one after another so I can scratch them off my list. I just finished the fourth one and will review it soon. I‘m not listening to the for any mystery I‘m listening to it for the twisted humor. That‘s what‘s keeping my attention. 9mo
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